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Convert from Classic to Simplified Initialization Mode

If you switch the initialization mode from classic to simplified mode, you can encounter several issues that you must fix. For most models, the following approach helps you to address conversion issues more efficiently.

  1. Save the existing model and simulation results for the model.

  2. Simulate the model and address any warnings.

  3. In the Model Advisor, in the Simulink® checks section, run the checks in the folder Migrating to Simplified Initialization Mode Overview.

  4. Address the issues that Model Advisor identifies.

  5. Simulate the model to make sure that there are no errors.

  6. Rerun the Model Advisor checks in the folder Migrating to Simplified Initialization Mode Overview check to confirm that the modified model addresses the issues related to initialization.

For examples of models that have been converted from classic initialization mode to simplified initialization mode, see Classic Initialization Issues and Limitations.

Blocks to Consider

Discrete-Time Integrator Blocks

Discrete-Time Integrator block behaves differently in simplified mode than it does in classic mode. The changes for simplified mode promote more robust and consistent model behavior. For details, see Behavior in Simplified Initialization Mode in the Discrete-Time Integrator block reference documentation.

Library Blocks

Simulink creates a library assuming that classic mode is in effect. If you use a library block that is affected by simplified mode in a model that uses simplified mode, then use the Model Advisor to identify changes you must make so that the library block works with simplified mode.

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