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Customize System Block Dialog Box Programmatically

You can customize the dialog box for a MATLAB System block by adding properties and methods in the corresponding System object™. You can add tabs, organized properties into groups and sections, add block descriptions, simulation type control, and add custom buttons.


From R2022b, use the Mask Editor to design a MATLAB System dialog box. You can also migrate existing dialog box customizations to the Mask Editor. This capability eliminates the need to develop or maintain the getPropertyGroupsImpl method in a System object file. For more information, see Customize MATLAB System Icon and Dialog Box Using Mask Editor.

Define Block Dialog Tabs, Sections, and Order of Properties

This example customizes the block dialog box for the MultipleGroupsWithTabs MATLAB System block by specifying property display names and modifying the getPropertyGroupImpl method.

Change Property Label

To change the property label that appears on the dialog box, add comments before each property in this format %PropertyName Block Dialog Label with no space between the comment and the property name. For example, to display the StartValue property as Start Value, specify:

%StartValue Start Value
StartValue = 0

The MultipleGroupsWithTabs System object™ in this example relabels each property for display in the MATLAB System block dialog.

Organize Dialog Box

The MutlitpleGroupsWithTabs System object class defines a getPropertyGroupsImpl method. Inside the getPropertyGroupsImpl method, this example defines two tabs (section groups) and three parameter groupings (sections).

classdef MultipleGroupsWithTabs < matlab.System
    % MultipleGroupsWithTabs Customize block dialog with multiple tabs and parameter groups.
    % Public, tunable properties
        %StartValue Start Value
        StartValue = 0
        %EndValue End Value
        EndValue = 10
        Threshold = 1
        %BlockLimit Limit
        BlockLimit = 55
    % Public Nontunable 
        %IC1 First initial condition
        IC1 = 0
        %IC2 Second initial condition
        IC2 = 10
        %IC3 Third initial condition
        IC3 = 100

        %UseThreshold Use threshold
        UseThreshold (1,1) logical = true
    methods (Static, Access = protected)
        function groups = getPropertyGroupsImpl
            % Section to always display above any tabs.
            alwaysSection = matlab.system.display.Section(...
            % Group with no sections
            initTab = matlab.system.display.SectionGroup(...
                'Title','Initial conditions', ...
            % Section for the value parameters
            valueSection = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title','Value parameters',...
            % Section for the threshold parameters
            thresholdSection = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title','Threshold parameters',...
            % Group with two sections: the valueSection and thresholdSection sections
            mainTab = matlab.system.display.SectionGroup(...
                'Title','Main', ...
            % Return an array with the group-less section, the group with
            % two sections, and the group with no sections.
            groups = [alwaysSection,mainTab,initTab];

Resulting Dialog Box

open_system('ShowSystemBlockDialog/MATLAB System')

Define Property Sections

This example customizes the block dialog box for a MATLAB System block by specifying property display names and modifying the getPropertyGroupImpl method. This customization is demonstrated with the System object™ AddPropertySections.

Change Property Labels

To change the property label that appears on the dialog box, add comments before each property in this format %PropertyName Block Dialog Label with no space between the percent sign and the property name. For example, to display the UseAlpha property as Use alpha, specify:

%UseAlpha Use alpha
UseAlpha = 0

The AddPropertySections System object included with this example relabels properties for display in the MATLAB System block dialog.

Organize Dialog Box

To organize the properties on the dialog box, the AddPropertySections System object class defines a getPropertyGroupsImpl method. Inside the getPropertyGroupsImpl method, this example defines two sections, each with two properties.

classdef AddPropertySections < matlab.System
    % AddPropertySections Customized dialog with two parameter sections
    % Public, tunable properties
        %NumberOfShapes Number of shapes
        NumberOfShapes = 10
        Alpha = 0.75
    % Public, nontunable properties
        Coloring (1, 1) {mustBeMember(Coloring,["red","blue","green"])} = "red"

        %UseAlpha Use alpha
        UseAlpha (1,1) logical = false
    methods (Static, Access = protected)
        function groups = getPropertyGroupsImpl           
            % Section for the value parameters
            valueSection = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title','Shape parameters',...
            % Section for the threshold parameters
            shadingSection = matlab.system.display.Section(...
                'Title','Shading parameters',...
            % Return an array with the two sections.
            groups = [valueSection, shadingSection];

Resulting Dialog Box

open_system('CustomSystemBlockDialog/MATLAB System')

Add Header Description

Add a header panel to a MATLAB System block by adding the getHeaderImpl method to your System object.

Use getHeaderImpl to specify a panel title and text for the MyCounter System object. If you do not specify the getHeaderImpl, the block does not display any title or text for the panel.

As for all Impl methods, set the getHeaderImpl method access to protected because the method is only called internally.

methods (Static, Access = protected)
   function header = getHeaderImpl
      header = matlab.system.display.Header('MyCounter',...
        'Title','My Enhanced Counter');

 Complete Class Definition

Control Simulation Type in MATLAB System Block

Specify a simulation type and whether the Simulate using parameter appears on the Simulink® MATLAB System block dialog box. The simulation options are 'Code generation' and 'Interpreted mode'.

If you do not include the getSimulateUsingImpl method in your class definition file, the System object allows both simulation modes and defaults to 'Code generation'. If you do not include the showSimulateUsingImpl method, the Simulate using parameter appears on the block dialog box.

You must set the getSimulateUsingImpl and showSimulateUsingImpl methods to static and the access for these methods to protected.

Use getSimulateUsingImpl to specify that only interpreted execution is allowed for the System object.

methods(Static,Access = protected)
   function simMode = getSimulateUsingImpl
       simMode = 'Interpreted execution';

 Complete Class Definition

The resulting dialog box with the Simulate using parameter:

MATLAB System dialog box showing the Simulate using drop down set to Interpreted execution and greyed out so users cannot change the option.

Add Custom Button to MATLAB System Block

Add a button to the MATLAB System block dialog box. This button opens a figure that plots a ramp function.

Use matlab.system.display.Action to define the MATLAB® function or code associated with a button in the MATLAB System block dialog box. The example also shows how to set button options and use an actionData object input to store a figure handle. This part of the code example uses the same figure when the button is clicked multiple times, rather than opening a new figure for each button click.

methods(Static,Access = protected)
  function group = getPropertyGroupsImpl
    group = matlab.system.display.Section(mfilename('class'));
    group.Actions = matlab.system.display.Action(@(actionData,obj)...
  function obj = ActionDemo(varargin)
  function visualize(obj,actionData)
    f = actionData.UserData;
    if isempty(f) || ~ishandle(f)
      f = figure;
      actionData.UserData = f;
      figure(f); % Make figure current
    d = 1:obj.RampLimit;

 Complete Class Definition File for Dialog Button

The resulting dialog box with the Visualize button:

Resulting MATLAB System block dialog box with the custom button labeled "Visualize".

See Also

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