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Class: slreq.Reference
Namespace: slreq

Query referenced requirement verification status summary


status = getVerificationStatus(ref)
status = getVerificationStatus(ref,"self")


status = getVerificationStatus(ref) returns the verification status summary for the referenced requirement ref and all its child references.

status = getVerificationStatus(ref,"self") returns the verification status summary for just the referenced requirement ref.

Input Arguments

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Referenced requirement instance, specified as an slreq.Reference object.

Output Arguments

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The verification status summary for the referenced requirement and its child references, returned as a MATLAB® structure containing these fields.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) with Verify links, returned as a double.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) that passed the tests associated with them, returned as a double.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) that failed the tests associated with them, returned as a double.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) with unexecuted associated tests, returned as a double.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) that are justified for verification, returned as a double.

The total number of referenced requirements (including child references) without links to verification objects, returned as a double.


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  1. Get the verification status summary of the referenced requirement ref and its child references.

    refVerifStatus = getVerificationStatus(ref)
    refVerifStatus = 
      struct with fields:
              total: 70
             passed: 45
             failed: 7
         unexecuted: 10
          justified: 1
               none: 7
  2. Get the verification status summary of only the referenced requirement myRef.

    myRefVerifStatus = getVerificationStatus(myRef,"self")
    myRefVerifStatus = 
      struct with fields:
            passed: 1
            failed: 0
        unexecuted: 0
         justified: 0
              none: 0


Version History

Introduced in R2018b