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slreq.ReqSet Class

Namespace: slreq

Work with requirement sets


Instances of slreq.ReqSet are requirement set objects.


newReqSet = creates a requirement set named reqSetName in the current working folder.

newReqSet = creates a requirement set on the specified path.

Input Arguments

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Name of the requirement set, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'Design Requirements'

The file name and path of the requirement set, specified as a character vector.

Example: 'C:\MATLAB\myReqSet.slreqx'

Output Arguments

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An instance of the slreq.ReqSet object.


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Name of the requirement set, specified as a character vector.

The file path of the requirement set, specified as a character vector.

Requirement set revision number, returned as a scalar. The revision number increments when you save changes.

The name of the individual or organization who created the requirement set.

The date the requirement set was created, specified as a datetime value. The software automatically populates this property.

The name of the individual or organization who last modified the requirement set.

The date the requirement set was last modified, specified as a datetime value. The software automatically populates this property.

Requirement set description text, specified as a character vector.

Indicates if the requirement set has unsaved changes. 0 for no unsaved changes, and 1 for unsaved changes.

Requirement set custom attribute names, specified as a cell array of character vectors.


addAdd requirements to requirement set
addAttributeAdd custom attribute to requirement set
addJustification Add justifications to requirement set
childrenGet top-level items in requirement set
closeClose a requirement set
createReferencesCreate read-only references to requirement items in third-party documents
deleteAttributeDelete custom attribute from requirement set
discardClose requirement set without saving
exploreOpen requirement set in Requirements Editor
exportToVersionExport requirement set to previous MATLAB version
findFind requirements in requirement set that have matching attribute values
getImplementationStatus Query requirement set implementation status summary
getPostLoadFcnGet contents of PostLoadFcn callback
getPreSaveFcnGet contents of PreSaveFcn callback
getVerificationStatus Query requirement set verification status summary
importFromDocumentImport editable requirements from external documents
importProfileAssign profile to requirement set
inspectAttributeGet information about requirement set custom attribute
profilesGet profiles assigned to requirement sets
removeProfileRemove profile from requirement set
runTests Run test cases linked to requirement set
save Save a requirement set
saveProfileMappingSave profile mapping to XML file
setPostLoadFcnAssign PostLoadFcn callback script
setPreSaveFcnAssign PreSaveFcn callback script
updateAttributeUpdate information for requirement set custom attribute
updateImplementationStatusUpdate requirement set implementation status summary
updateReferencesUpdate referenced requirements in requirement set
updateSrcArtifactUriUpdate document resource identifier of imported requirements
updateSrcFileLocationUpdate document location of imported requirements
updateVerificationStatusUpdate requirement set verification status summary


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This example shows how to create, save, and open a requirement set object.

Create a new requirement set called Design_Requirements.

rs ="Design_Requirements");

Save and close the requirement set.


Open the requirement set in the Requirements Editor.;

Version History

Introduced in R2018a