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Test Sequence

Create simulation testing scenarios, function calls, and assessments

  • Test Sequence block

Simulink Test


Define a test sequence using a tabular series of steps. Like the Test Assessment block, the Test Sequence block uses MATLAB® as the action language.


  • For inactive Test Sequence Scenarios that contain verify statements, the Test Manager and the Simulation Data Inspector show the results as untested.

  • Step names must be less than 64 characters. This limitation also applies to enumeration names for monitoring the active step.

  • You cannot use the Simulink® Finder to replace code in Test Sequence blocks. However, you can click Search or use Ctrl+F in the Test Sequence Editor to find and replace code.


Ports correspond to inputs and outputs defined in the Test Sequence Editor Symbols pane.


For a description of block parameters, see Subsystem.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a