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Synchronize receiver or transmitter radio settings with radio hardware

Add-On Required: This feature requires the SoC Blockset Support Package for AMD FPGA and SoC Devices add-on.


info(x) returns synchronized radio settings information between the receiver or transmitter System object™ specified by x and the associated radio hardware. If x has no radio settings information, or if the System object is not associated with a radio hardware attached to the host, the function returns no information.

radioSettings = info(x) returns the information in the structure array radioSettings.



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Create a receiver System object for your radio hardware with specific properties. For example:

rx = sdrrx('AD936x', ...
    'IPAddress','', ...
    'CenterFrequency',2.2e9, ...
    'BasebandSampleRate',800e3, ...    
rx = 
  comm.SDRRxAD936x with properties:

                DeviceName: 'AD936x'
                 IPAddress: ''
           CenterFrequency: 2.2000e+09
                GainSource: 'AGC Slow Attack'
            ChannelMapping: 1
        BasebandSampleRate: 800000
            OutputDataType: 'int16'
           SamplesPerFrame: 20000
           EnableBurstMode: false
    ShowAdvancedProperties: false

  Show all properties

Synchronize radio settings information between the receiver System object and the associated radio hardware.

radioSettings = info(rx)
## Establishing connection to hardware. This process can take several seconds.
radioSettings = struct with fields:
                Status: 'Full information'
       CenterFrequency: 2.2000e+09
    BasebandSampleRate: 800000
     DeviceVersionInfo: [1×1 struct]
            GainSource: 'AGC Slow Attack'

Create a transmitter System object for your radio hardware with specific properties. For example:

tx = sdrtx('AD936x', ...
    'IPAddress','', ...
    'CenterFrequency',2.2e9, ...
    'BasebandSampleRate',800e3, ...
tx = 
  comm.SDRTxAD936x with properties:

                DeviceName: 'AD936x'
                 IPAddress: ''
           CenterFrequency: 2.2000e+09
                      Gain: -10
            ChannelMapping: 1
        BasebandSampleRate: 800000
    ShowAdvancedProperties: false

  Show all properties

Synchronize radio settings information between the transmitter System object and the associated radio hardware.

radioSettings = info(tx)
## Establishing connection to hardware. This process can take several seconds.
radioSettings = struct with fields:
                Status: 'Full information'
       CenterFrequency: 2.2000e+09
    BasebandSampleRate: 800000
                  Gain: -10

Input Arguments

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Receiver or transmitter, specified as a System object.

To create one of these receiver System objects, use the sdrrx function.

To create one of these transmitter System objects, use the sdrtx function.

Output Arguments

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Synchronized radio settings information between the System object and the associated radio hardware, returned as a structure array.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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