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Controlled Voltage Source

Implement controlled voltage source

  • Controlled Voltage Source block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Sources


The Controlled Voltage Source block converts a Simulink® input signal into an equivalent voltage source. The generated voltage is driven by the input signal of the block.

You can initialize the Controlled Voltage Source block with a specific AC or DC voltage. If you want to start the simulation in steady state, the Simulink input must be connected to a signal that begins the simulation as a sinusoidal or DC waveform that corresponds to the initial values.


The Simulink input signal must be a complex value (phasor) when you use the Controlled Voltage Source block in a phasor simulation, because the Simscape™ Electrical™ Specialized Power Systems software does not automatically convert input signals from time-domain signals to complex (phasor) signals.


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The power_controlvolt example uses Controlled Voltage Source blocks to generate a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage containing a third harmonic. One Controlled Voltage Source block is initialized as a 120 V AC voltage source with an initial frequency of 60 Hz and initial phase set to 0. The second Controlled Voltage Source block is not initialized.



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Simulink physical signal input port associated with the control signal.


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Specialized electrical conserving port associated with the positive terminal of the voltage source.

Specialized electrical conserving port associated with the negative terminal of the voltage source.


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Initializes the Controlled Voltage Source block with the specified values of the Initial amplitude (V), Initial phase (deg), and Initial frequency (Hz) parameters.

Type of voltage source. Select AC (default) to initialize the Controlled Voltage Source block with an AC voltage source. Select DC to initialize the Controlled Voltage Source block with a DC voltage.


To enable this parameter, select Initialize.

Initial amplitude of the source, in volts (V).


To enable this parameter, select Initialize.

Initial phase of the source, in degrees.


To enable this parameter, select Initialize and set Source type to AC.

Initial frequency of the source, in hertz (Hz).


To enable this parameter, select Initialize and set Source type to AC.

Select Voltage to measure the voltage across the terminals of the Controlled Voltage Source block.

To measure and voltage, place a Multimeter block in your model to display the selected measurements during the simulation. In the Available Measurements pane of the Multimeter block, the measurement is identified by a label followed by the block name:





Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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