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Get Started with Specialized Power Systems

Get Started with Specialized Power Systems through sources, loads, breakers, faults, and grounds

Get started with Specialized Power Systems by generating power through AC and DC sources, loads, breakers, faults, and grounds.


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AC Current SourceImplement sinusoidal current source
AC Voltage SourceImplement sinusoidal voltage source
Controlled Current SourceImplement controlled current source
Controlled Voltage SourceImplement controlled voltage source
DC Voltage SourceImplement DC voltage source
Three-Phase Programmable Voltage SourceImplement three-phase voltage source with programmable time variation of amplitude, phase, frequency, and harmonics
Three-Phase SourceImplement three-phase source with internal R-L impedance
Nonlinear InductorDiscrete nonlinear inductor
Nonlinear ResistorDiscrete nonlinear resistor
Series RLC BranchImplement series RLC branch
Series RLC LoadImplement linear series RLC load
Parallel RLC BranchImplement parallel RLC branch
Parallel RLC LoadImplement linear parallel RLC load
Mutual InductanceImplement inductances with mutual coupling
Three-Phase Harmonic FilterImplement four types of three-phase harmonic filters using RLC components
Three-Phase Dynamic LoadImplement three-phase dynamic load with active power and reactive power as function of voltage or controlled from external input
Three-Phase Series RLC BranchImplement three-phase series RLC branch
Three-Phase Series RLC LoadImplement three-phase series RLC load with selectable connection
Three-Phase Parallel RLC BranchImplement three-phase parallel RLC branch
Three-Phase Parallel RLC LoadImplement three-phase parallel RLC load with selectable connection
Three-Phase Mutual Inductance Z1-Z0Implement three-phase impedance with mutual coupling among phases
Variable CapacitorDiscrete variable capacitor
Variable InductorDiscrete variable inductor
Variable ResistorDiscrete variable resistor
BreakerImplement circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing
Three-Phase BreakerImplement three-phase circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing
Three-Phase FaultImplement programmable phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground fault breaker system
GroundProvide connection to ground
NeutralImplement common node in circuit
Current-Voltage Simscape InterfaceIdeal coupling between Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems and Simscape electrical circuits
Current-Voltage Simscape Interface (gnd)Ideal coupling between Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems and Simscape electrical circuits
Voltage-Current Simscape InterfaceIdeal coupling between Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems and Simscape electrical circuits
Voltage-Current Simscape Interface (gnd)Ideal coupling between Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems and Simscape electrical circuits


power_newCreate new Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems model populated by required and commonly used blocks
power_customizePrepare a Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems block for customization


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