Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source
Implement three-phase voltage source with programmable time variation of amplitude, phase, frequency, and harmonics
Simscape /
Electrical /
Specialized Power Systems /
Use this block to generate a three-phase sinusoidal voltage with time-varying parameters. You can program the time variation for the amplitude, phase, or frequency of the fundamental component of the source. In addition, two harmonics can be programmed and superimposed on the fundamental signal.
The Three-Phase Programmable Source, V-I Measurement and Sequence Analyzer circuit illustrates the use of the Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source block to produce a step variation of the positive-sequence voltage and to inject harmonics into the circuit.
A 25 kV, 100 MVA short-circuit level, equivalent network feeds a 5 MW, 2 Mvar capacitive load. The internal voltage of the source is controlled by the Discrete 3-phase Programmable Voltage Source block.
A positive sequence of 1.0 pu, 0 degrees is specified for the fundamental signal. At t = 0.05 s a step of 0.5 pu is applied to the positive-sequence voltage magnitude, then at t = 0.1 s, 0.08 pu of fifth harmonic in negative sequence is added to the 1.5 pu voltage.
The three-phase voltage and current are measured at the output of the source impedance. Two Discrete Sequence Analyzer blocks are used to measure the positive-sequence fundamental component and the negative-sequence fifth harmonic of the three-phase voltage.
Three-Phase Programmable Source, V-I Measurement and Sequence Analyzer
The use of the 3-Phase Programmable Voltage Source, 3-Phase V-I Measurement, and Sequence Analyzer blocks.
N — Neutral terminal
specialized electrical
Electrical conserving port associated with the neutral terminal.
A — Phase A terminal
specialized electrical
Electrical conserving port associated with the phase A terminal.
B — Phase B terminal
specialized electrical
Electrical conserving port associated with the phase B terminal.
C — Phase C terminal
specialized electrical
Electrical conserving port associated with the phase C terminal.
To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.
Positive-sequence — Parameters of positive-sequence component
[100 0 60]
(default) | vector of scalars
The amplitude in volts RMS phase-to-phase, the phase in degrees, and the frequency
in hertz of the positive-sequence component of the three voltages. Default is
[100 0 60]
Phase B and phase C internal voltages lag phase A by 120 degrees and 240 degrees, respectively ([0 -120 +120]).
Time variation of — Parameter for which you want to program time variation
(default) | Amplitude
| Phase
| Frequency
Specify the parameter for which you want to program the time variation. Select
(default) if you do not want to program the time
variation of the source parameters. Select Amplitude
if you
want to program the time variation of the amplitude. Select
if you want to program the time variation of the
phase. Select Frequency
if you want to program the time
variation of the frequency.
The time variation applies to the three phases of the source except when the
Type of variation parameter is set to Table of
. In that case you can apply a variation to phase A
Type of variation — Type of variation
Table of amplitude-pairs
(default) | Step
| Ramp
| Modulation
Specify the type of variation that is applied to the parameter specified by the
Time variation of parameter. Select
to program a step variation. Select
to program a ramp variation. Select
to program a modulated variation. Select
Table of amplitude-pairs
to program a series of step
changes of amplitudes at specific times.
The Table of amplitude-pairs
option is available only
when the Time variation of parameter is set to
Table of amplitude-pairs
is the default when
Time variation of is set to
. Step
is the default
when Time variation of is set to Phase
or Frequency
To enable this parameter, set Time variation of to
, Phase
, or
Variation on phase A only — Variation on phase A only
(default) | on
If selected, the programmed time variation of the amplitude is applied only to phase A of the Three-Phase Programmable Voltage Source block.
To enable this parameter, set Time variation of to
and Type of variation to
Table of amplitude-pairs
Amplitude values (pu) — Amplitude variation points
[1 0.8 1.2 1.0]
(default) | vector of positive values
Specifies the amplitude variation points taken by the voltage source during the simulation. The specified values are in pu, based on the positive-sequence amplitude of the voltage source. The corresponding times where the variation will take place are defined by the Time values parameter.
To enable this parameter, set Time variation of to
and Type of variation to
Table of amplitude-pairs
Time values — Transition times
[0 0.1 0.15 0.2]
(default) | vector of positive values
Specifies the transition times, in seconds, of the amplitude variation defined in the Amplitude values (pu) parameter.
To enable this parameter, set Time variation of to
and Type of variation to
Table of amplitude-pairs
Step magnitude — Amplitude of step change
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Specify the amplitude of the step change. The variation of amplitude is specified in pu of the positive-sequence amplitude.
To enable this parameter, set Type of variation to
Rate of change — Rate of change
(default) | positive scalar
Specify the rate of change, in volt/seconds. The rate of change of voltage is specified in (pu of the positive-sequence voltage)/second.
To enable this parameter, set Type of variation to
Amplitude of the modulation — Amplitude of modulation
(default) | positive scalar
Specify the amplitude of the modulation for the source parameter that is specified in the Time variation of parameter. When the varying quantity is the voltage amplitude, the amplitude of the modulation is specified in pu of the positive-sequence amplitude.
To enable this parameter, set Type of variation to
Frequency of the modulation — Frequency of modulation
(default) | positive scalar
Specify the frequency of the modulation for the source parameter that is specified in the Time variation of parameter.
To enable this parameter, set Type of variation to
Variation timing (s) — Variation timing
[1 2]
(default) | vector of positive values
Specify the time, in seconds, when the programmed time variation takes effect and the time when it stops.
Fundamental and/or Harmonic generation — Fundamental and/or harmonic generation
(default) | on
If selected, two harmonics can be programmed to be superimposed on the fundamental voltage of the source.
A: [Order Amplitude Phase Seq] — Order, amplitude, phase, and type of sequence of first harmonic
[3 0.2 -25 0]
(default) | vector of nonnegative values
Specify the order, amplitude, phase, and the type of sequence (1 = positive-sequence; 2 = negative-sequence; 0 = zero-sequence) of the first harmonic to be superimposed on the fundamental signal. The voltage of the harmonic is specified in pu of the positive-sequence voltage.
Specify 1
for the harmonic order and 0
for the sequence to produce a voltage imbalance without
To enable this parameter, select the Fundamental and/or Harmonic generation parameter.
B: [Order Amplitude Phase Seq] — Order, amplitude, phase, and type of sequence of second harmonic
[2 0.15 35 2]
(default) | vector of nonnegative values
Specify the order, amplitude, phase, and the type of sequence (1 = positive-sequence; 2 = negative-sequence; 0 = zero-sequence) of the second harmonic to be superimposed on the fundamental signal. The voltage of the harmonic is specified in pu of the positive-sequence voltage.
Specify 1
for the harmonic order and 0
for the sequence to produce a voltage imbalance without
To enable this parameter, select the Fundamental and/or Harmonic generation parameter.
Timing (s) — Time when harmonic generation is superimposed
[0.05 3]
(default) | vector of positive values
Specify the time, in seconds, when the harmonic generation is superimposed on the fundamental signal and the time when it stops.
To enable this parameter, select the Fundamental and/or Harmonic generation parameter.
Load Flow
The load flow parameters are used to define block parameters for use with the Load Flow tool of the Powergui block. These load flow parameters are used for model initialization only. They have no impact on the block model and on the simulation’s performance.
The configuration of the Load Flow tab depends on the option selected for the Generator type parameter.
Generator type — Generator type of voltage source
(default) | PV
| PQ
Specify the generator type of the voltage source.
Select swing
(default) to implement a generator
controlling magnitude and phase angle of its terminal voltage. The reference voltage
magnitude and angle are specified by the Swing bus or PV bus
voltage and Swing bus voltage angle parameters of
the Load Flow Bus block connected to the voltage source terminals.
Select PV
to implement a generator controlling its
output active power P and voltage magnitude V. P is specified by the Active
power generation P parameter of the block. V is specified by the
Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus
block connected to the voltage source terminals. You can control the minimum and
maximum reactive power generated by the block by using the Minimum reactive
power Qmin and Maximum reactive power Qmax
Select PQ
to implement a generator controlling its
output active power P and reactive power Q. P and Q are specified by the
Active power generation P and Reactive power
generation Q parameters of the block, respectively.
Active power generation P — Active power generated by source
0 (default) | nonnegative scalar
Specify the active power that you want generated by the source, in watts.
To enable this parameter, set Generator type to
or PQ
Reactive power generation Q — Reactive power generated by source
0 (default) | nonnegative scalar
Specify the reactive power that you want generated by the source, in vars.
To enable this parameter, set Generator type to
Minimum reactive power Qmin — Minimum reactive power generated by the source
(default) | scalar
Minimum reactive power that can be generated by the source while keeping the
terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified in the
Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus
block connected to the source terminals. The default value is -inf
which means that there is no lower limit on the reactive power output.
To enable this parameter, set Generator type to
Maximum reactive power Qmax — Maximum reactive power generated by the source
(default) | scalar
Maximum reactive power that can be generated by the source while keeping the
terminal voltage at its reference value. This reference voltage is specified in the
Swing bus or PV bus voltage parameter of the Load Flow Bus
block connected to the source terminals. The default value is inf
which means that there is no upper limit on the reactive power output.
To enable this parameter, set Generator type to
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
See Also
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