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Share parameters with the MATLAB® workspace to avoid hard-coded values
To create easily modified constants within your Stateflow® chart, use parameters that have been defined in the MATLAB workspace or inherited from a Simulink® block parameter. When you use a masked subsystem with your Stateflow chart, you can change parameters before simulation.
- Share Parameters with Simulink and the MATLAB Workspace
Define parameters to share constant data with Simulink models and the MATLAB base workspace.
- Add Stateflow Data
Define the data that a chart stores internally in its own workspace.
- Set Data Properties
Specify data properties by using the Property Inspector or the Model Explorer.
- Create a Mask to Share Parameters with Simulink
Mask a Stateflow chart to customize appearance and initialize parameters. (Since R2024a)
- Manage Symbols in the Stateflow Editor
Add, delete, and trace nongraphical objects.
Related Information
- Author Block Masks (Simulink)