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Remove members of compact regression ensemble



cens1 = removeLearners(cens,idx) creates a compact regression ensemble identical to cens excluding the ensemble members in the idx vector.


collapse all

Create a compact regression ensemble. Compact it further by removing members of the ensemble.

Load the carsmall data set and select Weight and Cylinders as predictors.

load carsmall
X = [Weight Cylinders];

Train a regression ensemble using LSBoost. Specify tree stumps as the weak learners.

t = templateTree(MaxNumSplits=1);
ens = fitrensemble(X,MPG,Method="LSBoost",Learners=t,...

Create a compact classification ensemble cens from ens.

cens = compact(ens);

Remove the last 50 members of the ensemble.

idx = cens.NumTrained-49:cens.NumTrained;
cens1 = removeLearners(cens,idx);

Input Arguments

collapse all

Compact regression ensemble model, specified as a CompactRegressionEnsemble model object created with compact.

Indices of learners to remove, specified as a vector of positive integers with entries in the range 1 to cens.NumTrained, where cens.NumTrained is the number of members in cens. cens1 contains all members of cens except those with indices in idx.

Typically, you set idx = j:cens.NumTrained for some positive integer j.

Example: idx=[3:5]

Data Types: single | double


  • Removing learners reduces the memory used by the ensemble and speeds up its predictions.

  • To retain just one ensemble, set cens1 equal to cens.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2011a