Multivariate linear regression
the estimated coefficients for a multivariate normal regression of
the d-dimensional responses in beta
= mvregress(X
the design matrices in X
the estimated coefficients using additional options specified by one
or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can specify the
estimation algorithm, initial estimate values, or maximum number of
iterations for the regression.beta
= mvregress(X
Multivariate Regression Model for Panel Data with Different Intercepts
Fit a multivariate regression model to panel data, assuming different intercepts and common slopes.
Load the sample data.
The dataset array flu
contains national CDC flu estimates, and nine separate regional estimates based on Google® query data.
Extract the response and predictor data.
Y = double(flu(:,2:end-1)); [n,d] = size(Y); x = flu.WtdILI;
The responses in Y
are the nine regional flu estimates. Observations exist for every week over a one-year period, so = 52. The dimension of the responses corresponds to the regions, so = 9. The predictors in x
are the weekly national flu estimates.
Plot the flu data, grouped by region.
figure; regions = flu.Properties.VarNames(2:end-1); plot(x,Y,'x') legend(regions,'Location','NorthWest')
Fit the multivariate regression model , where and , with between-region concurrent correlation .
There are = 10 regression coefficients to estimate: nine intercept terms and a common slope. The input argument X
should be an -element cell array of -by- design matrices.
X = cell(n,1); for i = 1:n X{i} = [eye(d) repmat(x(i),d,1)]; end [beta,Sigma] = mvregress(X,Y);
contains estimates of the -dimensional coefficient vector .
contains estimates of the -by- variance-covariance matrix , for the between-region concurrent correlations.
Plot the fitted regression model.
B = [beta(1:d)';repmat(beta(end),1,d)]; xx = linspace(.5,3.5)'; fits = [ones(size(xx)),xx]*B; figure; h = plot(x,Y,'x',xx,fits,'-'); for i = 1:d set(h(d+i),'color',get(h(i),'color')); end legend(regions,'Location','NorthWest');
The plot shows that each regression line has a different intercept but the same slope. Upon visual inspection, some regression lines appear to fit the data better than others.
Multivariate Regression for Panel Data with Different Slopes
Fit a multivariate regression model to panel data using least squares, assuming different intercepts and slopes.
Load the sample data.
The dataset array flu
contains national CDC flu estimates, and nine separate regional estimates based on Google® queries.
Extract the response and predictor data.
Y = double(flu(:,2:end-1)); [n,d] = size(Y); x = flu.WtdILI;
The responses in Y
are the nine regional flu estimates. Observations exist for every week over a one-year period, so = 52. The dimension of the responses corresponds to the regions, so = 9. The predictors in x
are the weekly national flu estimates.
Fit the multivariate regression model , where and , with between-region concurrent correlation .
There are = 18 regression coefficients to estimate: nine intercept terms, and nine slope terms. X
is an -element cell array of -by- design matrices.
X = cell(n,1); for i = 1:n X{i} = [eye(d) x(i)*eye(d)]; end [beta,Sigma] = mvregress(X,Y,'algorithm','cwls');
contains estimates of the -dimensional coefficient vector .
Plot the fitted regression model.
B = [beta(1:d)';beta(d+1:end)']; xx = linspace(.5,3.5)'; fits = [ones(size(xx)),xx]*B; figure; h = plot(x,Y,'x',xx,fits,'-'); for i = 1:d set(h(d+i),'color',get(h(i),'color')); end regions = flu.Properties.VarNames(2:end-1); legend(regions,'Location','NorthWest');
The plot shows that each regression line has a different intercept and slope.
Multivariate Regression With a Single Design Matrix
Fit a multivariate regression model using a single -by- design matrix for all response dimensions.
Load the sample data.
The dataset array flu
contains national CDC flu estimates, and nine separate regional estimates based on Google® queries.
Extract the response and predictor data.
Y = double(flu(:,2:end-1)); [n,d] = size(Y); x = flu.WtdILI;
The responses in Y
are the nine regional flu estimates. Observations exist for every week over a one-year period, so = 52. The dimension of the responses corresponds to the regions, so = 9. The predictors in x
are the weekly national flu estimates.
Create an -by- design matrix X
. Add a column of ones to include a constant term in the regression.
X = [ones(size(x)),x];
Fit the multivariate regression model
where and , with between-region concurrent correlation
There are 18 regression coefficients to estimate: nine intercept terms, and nine slope terms.
[beta,Sigma,E,CovB,logL] = mvregress(X,Y);
contains estimates of the -by- coefficient matrix. Sigma
contains estimates of the -by- variance-covariance matrix for the between-region concurrent correlations. E
is a matrix of the residuals. CovB
is the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the regression coefficients. logL
is the value of the log likelihood objective function after the last iteration.
Plot the fitted regression model.
B = beta; xx = linspace(.5,3.5)'; fits = [ones(size(xx)),xx]*B; figure h = plot(x,Y,'x', xx,fits,'-'); for i = 1:d set(h(d+i),'color',get(h(i),'color')) end regions = flu.Properties.VarNames(2:end-1); legend(regions,'Location','NorthWest')
The plot shows that each regression line has a different intercept and slope.
Input Arguments
— Design matrices
matrix | cell array of matrices
Design matrices for the multivariate regression, specified as
a matrix or cell array of matrices. n is the number
of observations in the data, K is the number of
regression coefficients to estimate, p is the number
of predictor variables, and d is the number of
dimensions in the response variable matrix Y
If d = 1, then specify
as a single n-by-K design matrix.If d > 1 and all d dimensions have the same design matrix, then you can specify
as a single n-by-p design matrix (not in a cell array).If d > 1 and all n observations have the same design matrix, then you can specify
as a cell array containing a single d-by-K design matrix.If d > 1 and all n observations do not have the same design matrix, then specify
as a cell array of length n containing d-by-K design matrices.
To include a constant term in the regression model, each design matrix should contain a column of ones.
treats NaN
in X
as missing values, and ignores rows in X
missing values.
Data Types: single
| double
| cell
— Response variables
Response variables, specified as an n-by-d matrix. n is
the number of observations in the data, and d is
the number of dimensions in the response. When d =
1, mvregress
treats the values in Y
like n independent
response values.
treats NaN
in Y
as missing values, and handles them according
to the estimation algorithm specified using the name-value pair argument algorithm
Data Types: single
| double
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'algorithm','cwls','covar0',C
covariance-weighted least squares estimation using the covariance
matrix C
— Estimation algorithm
| 'ecm'
| 'cwls'
Estimation algorithm, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'algorithm'
and one of the following.
'mvn' | Ordinary multivariate normal maximum likelihood estimation. |
'ecm' | Maximum likelihood estimation via the ECM algorithm. |
'cwls' | Covariance-weighted least squares estimation. |
The default algorithm depends on the presence of missing data.
For complete data, the default is
.If there are any missing responses (indicated by
), the default is'ecm'
, provided the sample size is sufficient to estimate all parameters. Otherwise, the default algorithm is'cwls'
If algorithm
has the value 'mvn'
then mvregress
removes observations with missing
response values before estimation.
Example: 'algorithm','ecm'
— Initial estimates for regression coefficients
Initial estimates for the regression coefficients, specified
as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'beta0'
a vector with K elements. The default value is
a vector of 0s.
The beta0
argument is not used if the estimation algorithm
is 'mvn'
— Initial estimate for variance-covariance matrix
Initial estimate for the variance-covariance matrix, Sigma
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'covar0'
a symmetric, positive definite, d-by-d matrix.
The default value is the identity matrix.
If the estimation algorithm
is 'cwls'
then mvregress
uses covar0
the weighting matrix at each iteration, without changing it.
— Type of variance-covariance matrix
(default) | 'diagonal'
Type of variance-covariance matrix to estimate for Y
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'covtype'
one of the following.
'full' | Estimate all d(d + 1)/2 variance-covariance elements. |
'diagonal' | Estimate only the d diagonal elements of the variance-covariance matrix. |
Example: 'covtype','diagonal'
— Maximum number of iterations
(default) | positive integer
Maximum number of iterations for the estimation algorithm, specified
as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'maxiter'
a positive integer.
Iterations continue until estimates are within the convergence
tolerances tolbeta
and tolobj
or the maximum number of iterations specified by maxiter
reached. If both tolbeta
and tolobj
0, then mvregress
performs maxiter
with no convergence tests.
Example: 'maxiter',50
— Function to evaluate each iteration
function handle
Function to evaluate at each iteration, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'outputfcn'
and a function handle.
The function must return a logical true
or false
At each iteration, mvregress
evaluates the function.
If the result is true
, iterations stop. Otherwise,
iterations continue. For example, you could specify a function that
plots or displays current iteration results, and returns true
you close the figure.
The function must accept three input arguments, in this order:
Vector of current coefficient estimates
Structure containing these three fields:
Current value of the variance-covariance matrix iteration
Current iteration number fval
Current value of the loglikelihood objective function Text that takes these three values:
When the function is called during initialization 'iter'
When the function is called after an iteration 'done'
When the function is called after completion
— Convergence tolerance for regression coefficients
(default) | positive scalar value
Convergence tolerance for regression coefficients, specified
as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'tolbeta'
a positive scalar value.
Let denote the estimate of the coefficient
vector at iteration t, and be the tolerance specified by tolbeta
The convergence criterion for regression coefficient estimation is
where K is the length of and is the norm of a vector
Iterations continue until estimates are within the convergence
tolerances tolbeta
and tolobj
or the maximum number of iterations specified by maxiter
reached. If both tolbeta
and tolobj
0, then mvregress
performs maxiter
with no convergence tests.
Example: 'tolbeta',1e-5
— Convergence tolerance for loglikelihood objective function
(default) | positive scalar value
Convergence tolerance for the loglikelihood objective function,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'tolobj'
a positive scalar value.
Let denote the value of the loglikelihood
objective function at iteration t, and be the tolerance specified by tolobj
The convergence criterion for the objective function is
Iterations continue until estimates are within the convergence
tolerances tolbeta
and tolobj
or the maximum number of iterations specified by maxiter
reached. If both tolbeta
and tolobj
0, then mvregress
performs maxiter
with no convergence tests.
Example: 'tolobj',1e-5
— Format for parameter estimate variance-covariance matrix
(default) | 'full'
Format for the parameter estimate variance-covariance matrix, CovB
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'varformat'
one of the following.
'beta' | Return the variance-covariance matrix for only the regression
coefficient estimates, beta . |
'full' | Return the variance-covariance matrix for both the regression
coefficient estimates, beta , and the variance-covariance
matrix estimate, Sigma . |
Example: 'varformat','full'
— Type of variance-covariance matrix for parameter estimates
(default) | 'fisher'
Type of variance-covariance matrix for parameter estimates,
specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'vartype'
either 'hessian'
or 'fisher'
If the value is
, thenmvregress
uses the Hessian, or observed information, matrix to computeCovB
.If the value is
, thenmvregress
uses the complete-data Fisher, or expected information, matrix to computeCovB
The 'hessian'
method takes into account the
increase uncertainties due to missing data, while the 'fisher'
does not.
Example: 'vartype','fisher'
Output Arguments
— Estimated regression coefficients
column vector | matrix
Estimated regression coefficients, returned as a column vector or matrix.
If you specify
as a single n-by-K design matrix, thenmvregress
as a column vector of length K. For example, ifX
is a 20-by-5 design matrix, thenbeta
is a 5-by-1 column vector.If you specify
as a cell array containing one or more d-by-K design matrices, thenmvregress
as a column vector of length K. For example, ifX
is a cell array containing 2-by-10 design matrices, thenbeta
is a 10-by-1 column vector.If you specify
as a single n-by-p design matrix (not in a cell array), andY
has dimension d > 1, thenmvregress
as a p-by-d matrix. For example, ifX
is a 20-by-5 design matrix, andY
has two dimensions such that d = 2, thenbeta
is a 5-by-2 matrix, and the fittedY
values areX
— Residuals
Residuals for the fitted regression model, returned as an n-by-d matrix.
If algorithm
has the value 'ecm'
or 'cwls'
then mvregress
computes the residual values corresponding
to missing values in Y
as the difference between
the conditionally
imputed values and the fitted values.
If algorithm
has the value 'mvn'
then mvregress
removes observations with missing
response values before estimation.
— Parameter estimate variance-covariance matrix
square matrix
Parameter estimate variance-covariance matrix, returned as a square matrix.
— Loglikelihood objective function value
scalar value
Loglikelihood objective function value after the last iteration, returned as a scalar value.
More About
Multivariate Normal Regression
Multivariate normal regression is the regression of a d-dimensional response on a design matrix of predictor variables, with normally distributed errors. The errors can be heteroscedastic and correlated.
The model is
is a d-dimensional vector of responses.
is a design matrix of predictor variables.
is vector or matrix of regression coefficients.
is a d-dimensional vector of error terms, with multivariate normal distribution
Conditionally Imputed Values
The expectation/conditional maximization ('ecm'
and covariance-weighted least squares ('cwls'
estimation algorithms include imputation of missing response values.
Let denote missing observations. The conditionally imputed values are the expected value of the missing observation given the observed data, .
The joint distribution of the missing and observed responses is a multivariate normal distribution,
Using properties of the multivariate normal distribution, the imputed conditional expectation is given by
only imputes missing response values.
Observations with missing values in the design matrix are removed.
[1] Little, Roderick J. A., and Donald B. Rubin. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data. 2nd ed., Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.
[2] Meng, Xiao-Li, and Donald B. Rubin. “Maximum Likelihood Estimation via the ECM Algorithm.” Biometrika. Vol. 80, No. 2, 1993, pp. 267–278.
[3] Sexton, Joe, and A. R. Swensen. “ECM Algorithms that Converge at the Rate of EM.” Biometrika. Vol. 87, No. 3, 2000, pp. 651–662.
[4] Dempster, A. P., N. M. Laird, and D. B. Rubin. “Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Vol. 39, No. 1, 1977, pp. 1–37.
Version History
Introduced in R2006b
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