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Depth Estimation from Stereo Video

This example shows how to detect people and their distance to the camera from a video taken with a calibrated stereo camera.

Load the Parameters of the Stereo Camera

Load the stereoParameters object, which is the result of calibrating the camera using either the stereoCameraCalibrator app or the estimateCameraParameters function.

% Load the stereoParameters object.

% Visualize camera extrinsics.

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Extrinsic Parameters Visualization, xlabel X (mm), ylabel Z (mm) contains 32 objects of type patch, text, line.

Create Video File Readers and the Video Player

Create System objects for reading and displaying the video.

videoFileLeft = "handshake_left.avi";
videoFileRight = "handshake_right.avi";

readerLeft = VideoReader(videoFileLeft);
readerRight = VideoReader(videoFileRight);
player = vision.VideoPlayer(Position=[20,200,740 560]);

Read and Rectify Video Frames

The frames from the left and the right cameras must be rectified in order to compute disparity and reconstruct the 3-D scene. Rectified images have horizontal epipolar lines, and are row-aligned. This simplifies the computation of disparity by reducing the search space for matching points to one dimension. Rectified images can also be combined into an anaglyph, which can be viewed using the stereo red-cyan glasses to see the 3-D effect.

frameLeft = readFrame(readerLeft);
frameRight = readFrame(readerRight);

[frameLeftRect, frameRightRect, reprojectionMatrix] = ...
    rectifyStereoImages(frameLeft, frameRight, stereoParams);

imshow(stereoAnaglyph(frameLeftRect, frameRightRect));
title("Rectified Video Frames");

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Rectified Video Frames contains an object of type image.

Compute Disparity

In rectified stereo images any pair of corresponding points are located on the same pixel row. For each pixel in the left image compute the distance to the corresponding pixel in the right image. This distance is called the disparity, and it is proportional to the distance of the corresponding world point from the camera.

frameLeftGray  = im2gray(frameLeftRect);
frameRightGray = im2gray(frameRightRect);
disparityMap = disparitySGM(frameLeftGray, frameRightGray);
imshow(disparityMap, [0, 64]);
title("Disparity Map");
colormap jet

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Disparity Map contains an object of type image.

Reconstruct the 3-D Scene

Reconstruct the 3-D world coordinates of points corresponding to each pixel from the disparity map.

points3D = reconstructScene(disparityMap, reprojectionMatrix);

% Convert to meters and create a pointCloud object
points3D = points3D ./ 1000;
ptCloud = pointCloud(points3D, Color=frameLeftRect);

% Create a streaming point cloud viewer
player3D = pcplayer([-3, 3], [-3, 3], [0, 8], VerticalAxis="y", ...

% Visualize the point cloud
view(player3D, ptCloud);

Figure Point Cloud Player contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains an object of type scatter.

Detect People in the Left Image

Load a pretrained people detector and detect people in the left camera frame.

peopleDetector = peopleDetectorACF();
bboxes = detect(peopleDetector,frameLeftGray);

Determine the Distance of Each Person to the Camera

Find the 3-D world coordinates of the centroid of each detected person and compute the distance from the centroid to the camera in meters.

% Find the centroids of detected people.
centroids = [round(bboxes(:, 1) + bboxes(:, 3) / 2), ...
    round(bboxes(:, 2) + bboxes(:, 4) / 2)];

% Find the 3-D world coordinates of the centroids.
centroidsIdx = sub2ind(size(disparityMap), centroids(:, 2), centroids(:, 1));
X = points3D(:, :, 1);
Y = points3D(:, :, 2);
Z = points3D(:, :, 3);
centroids3D = [X(centroidsIdx)'; Y(centroidsIdx)'; Z(centroidsIdx)'];

% Find the distances from the camera in meters.
dists = sqrt(sum(centroids3D .^ 2));
% Display the detected people and their distances.
labels = dists+" meters";
imshow(insertObjectAnnotation(frameLeftRect, "rectangle", bboxes, labels));
title("Detected People");

Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object with title Detected People contains an object of type image.

Process the Rest of the Video

Apply the steps described above to detect people and measure their distances to the camera in every frame of the video.

while hasFrame(readerLeft) && hasFrame(readerRight)
    % Read the frames.
    frameLeft = readFrame(readerLeft);
    frameRight = readFrame(readerRight);
    % Rectify the frames.
    [frameLeftRect, frameRightRect] = ...
        rectifyStereoImages(frameLeft, frameRight, stereoParams);
    % Convert to grayscale.
    frameLeftGray  = im2gray(frameLeftRect);
    frameRightGray = im2gray(frameRightRect);
    % Compute disparity. 
    disparityMap = disparitySGM(frameLeftGray, frameRightGray);
    % Reconstruct 3-D scene.
    points3D = reconstructScene(disparityMap, reprojectionMatrix);
    points3D = points3D ./ 1000;
    ptCloud = pointCloud(points3D, Color=frameLeftRect);
    view(player3D, ptCloud);
    % Detect people.
    bboxes = detect(peopleDetector,frameLeftGray);
    if ~isempty(bboxes)
        % Find the centroids of detected people.
        centroids = [round(bboxes(:, 1) + bboxes(:, 3) / 2), ...
            round(bboxes(:, 2) + bboxes(:, 4) / 2)];
        % Find the 3-D world coordinates of the centroids.
        centroidsIdx = sub2ind(size(disparityMap), centroids(:, 2), centroids(:, 1));
        X = points3D(:, :, 1);
        Y = points3D(:, :, 2);
        Z = points3D(:, :, 3);
        centroids3D = [X(centroidsIdx), Y(centroidsIdx), Z(centroidsIdx)];
        % Find the distances from the camera in meters.
        dists = sqrt(sum(centroids3D .^ 2, 2));
        % Display the detect people and their distances.
        labels = dists+" meters";
        dispFrame = insertObjectAnnotation(frameLeftRect, "rectangle", bboxes,...
        dispFrame = frameLeftRect;
    % Display the frame.
    step(player, dispFrame);

Figure Point Cloud Player contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X, ylabel Y contains an object of type scatter.

% Clean up

Figure Video Player contains an axes object and other objects of type uiflowcontainer, uimenu, uitoolbar. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.


This example showed how to localize pedestrians in 3-D using a calibrated stereo camera.


[1] G. Bradski and A. Kaehler, "Learning OpenCV : Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library," O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 2008.

[2] Dalal, N. and Triggs, B., Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. CVPR 2005.

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