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802.11 MAC Frame Generation

This example shows how to generate IEEE® 802.11™ MAC frames.


This example shows how to generate WLAN MAC frames, as specified in the section 9 of [1], [2], and [3]. Further, you can also export these frames to a packet capture (PCAP) file for analysis with third-party packet analysis tools such as Wireshark.

The general MAC frame format consists of a header, frame-body, and frame check sequence (FCS). The header holds information about the frame. The frame-body carries data that needs to be transmitted. The transmitter calculates the FCS over the header and frame-body. The receiver uses the FCS to confirm that the header and frame-body are properly formed. This diagram shows the structure of a general MAC frame.

For more information, see the WLAN MAC Frame Structure topic.

You can use the wlanMACFrame function to generate MAC frames. This function accepts a MAC frame configuration object wlanMACFrameConfig as an input. This object configures the fields in the MAC header. Set the FrameType property to the desired Subtype description in Table 9-1 of [1] to set the appropriate Type and Subtype fields in the MAC header. The wlanMACFrame function supports the generation of these MPDUs.

  • Management Frames: Beacon

  • Data Frames: Data, Null, QoS Data, QoS Null

  • Control Frames: RTS, CTS, Ack, Block Ack, CF-End, Trigger

In addition to these MPDUs, wlanMACFrame also supports generation of A-MPDUs containing MPDUs of type QoS Data.

Control Frame Generation

To generate an RTS frame, create a MAC frame configuration object with the FrameType set to 'RTS'.

rtsCfg = wlanMACFrameConfig('FrameType', 'RTS');
  wlanMACFrameConfig with properties:

          FrameType: 'RTS'
    PowerManagement: 0
           MoreData: 0
           Duration: 0
           Address1: 'FFFFFFFFFFFF'
           Address2: '00123456789B'

   Read-only properties:
            Decoded: 0

Configure the frame header fields.

% Duration
rtsCfg.Duration = 500;
% Receiver address
rtsCfg.Address1 = 'FCF8B0102001';
% Transmitter address
rtsCfg.Address2 = 'FCF8B0102002';

Generate an RTS frame using the configuration.

% Generate octets for an RTS frame
rtsFrame = wlanMACFrame(rtsCfg);

By default, the output of wlanMACFrame is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. If you want to generate the MAC frame as a sequence of bits, set the OutputFormat parameter to bits.

% Generate bits for an RTS frame
rtsFrameBits = wlanMACFrame(rtsCfg, OutputFormat='bits');

Data Frame Generation

To generate a QoS Data frame, create a MAC frame configuration object with the FrameType set to 'QoS Data'.

qosDataCfg = wlanMACFrameConfig(FrameType='QoS Data');
  wlanMACFrameConfig with properties:

          FrameType: 'QoS Data'
        FrameFormat: 'Non-HT'
               ToDS: 0
             FromDS: 1
     Retransmission: 0
    PowerManagement: 0
           MoreData: 0
           Duration: 0
           Address1: 'FFFFFFFFFFFF'
           Address2: '00123456789B'
           Address3: '00123456789B'
     SequenceNumber: 0
                TID: 0
          AckPolicy: 'No Ack'
    MSDUAggregation: 0
               EOSP: 0
        IsMeshFrame: 0

   Read-only properties:
            Decoded: 0

Configure the frame header fields.

% From DS flag
qosDataCfg.FromDS = 1;
% To DS flag
qosDataCfg.ToDS = 0;
% Acknowledgment Policy
qosDataCfg.AckPolicy = 'Normal Ack';
% Receiver address
qosDataCfg.Address1 = 'FCF8B0102001';
% Transmitter address
qosDataCfg.Address2 = 'FCF8B0102002';

The QoS Data frame is used to transmit a payload from higher-layer. A 20-byte payload containing a repeating sequence of hexadecimal value '11' is used in this example.

payload = repmat('11', 1, 20);

Generate a QoS Data frame using payload and configuration.

% Generate octets for a QoS Data frame
qosDataFrame = wlanMACFrame(payload, qosDataCfg);

By default, the output of wlanMACFrame is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. If you want to generate the MAC frame as a sequence of bits, set the OutputFormat parameter to bits.

% Generate bits for a QoS Data frame
qosDataFrameBits = wlanMACFrame(payload, qosDataCfg, OutputFormat='bits');

The output MAC frame is an MPDU with a single MSDU. For more information about A-MSDU and A-MPDU generation, see 802.11ac Waveform Generation with MAC Frames.

Management Frame Generation

To generate a Beacon frame, create a MAC frame configuration object with the FrameType set to 'Beacon'.

beaconCfg = wlanMACFrameConfig(FrameType='Beacon');
  wlanMACFrameConfig with properties:

           FrameType: 'Beacon'
                ToDS: 0
              FromDS: 1
      Retransmission: 0
     PowerManagement: 0
            MoreData: 0
            Duration: 0
            Address1: 'FFFFFFFFFFFF'
            Address2: '00123456789B'
            Address3: '00123456789B'
      SequenceNumber: 0
    ManagementConfig: [1x1 wlanMACManagementConfig]

   Read-only properties:
             Decoded: 0

Beacon frame-body consists of information fields and information elements as explained in section of [1]. You can configure these information fields and elements using wlanMACManagementConfig.

% Create a management frame-body configuration object
frameBodyCfg = wlanMACManagementConfig;
  wlanMACManagementConfig with properties:

                   FrameType: 'Beacon'
                   Timestamp: 0
              BeaconInterval: 100
               ESSCapability: 1
              IBSSCapability: 0
                     Privacy: 0
               ShortPreamble: 0
          SpectrumManagement: 0
                  QoSSupport: 1
           ShortSlotTimeUsed: 0
                 APSDSupport: 0
            RadioMeasurement: 0
      DelayedBlockAckSupport: 0
    ImmediateBlockAckSupport: 0
                        SSID: 'default SSID'
                  BasicRates: {'6 Mbps'  '12 Mbps'  '24 Mbps'}
             AdditionalRates: {}

   Read-only properties:
         InformationElements: {511x2 cell}

Configure the information fields and elements in the frame-body configuration. You can add information elements using addIE(elementID, information) method as shown below. Section 9.4 in [1] lists the information fields and information elements.

% Beacon Interval
frameBodyCfg.BeaconInterval = 100;
% Timestamp
frameBodyCfg.Timestamp = 123456;
frameBodyCfg.SSID = 'TEST_BEACON';
% Add DS Parameter IE (element ID - 3) with channel number 11 (0x0b)
frameBodyCfg = frameBodyCfg.addIE(3, '0b');

Assign the updated frame-body configuration object to the ManagementConfig property in the MAC frame configuration.

% Update management frame-body configuration
beaconCfg.ManagementConfig = frameBodyCfg;

Generate the Beacon frame with the updated frame configuration.

% Generate octets for a Beacon frame
beaconFrame = wlanMACFrame(beaconCfg);

By default, the output of wlanMACFrame is a sequence of hexadecimal octets. If you want to generate the MAC frame as a sequence of bits, set the OutputFormat parameter to bits.

% Generate bits for a Beacon frame
beaconFrameBits = wlanMACFrame(beaconCfg, OutputFormat='bits');

Export WLAN MAC Frames to PCAP or PCAPNG File

The packet capture (PCAP) or packet capture next generation (PCAPNG) file (.pcap or .pcapng, respectively) is a widely used packet capture file format to perform packet analysis.

To capture the packet characteristics, export the generated MAC frames to a PCAP or PCAPNG file by using the wlanPCAPWriter object. You can visualize and analyze the PCAP or PCAPNG file by using a third-party packet analyzer tool such as Wireshark.

Specify the name and extension of the PCAP file. To export the MAC frames to a PCAPNG file, set the file extension to 'pcapng'.

fileName = 'macFrames';
fileExtension = 'pcap';

If a file with the fileName name already exists in the current directory, delete the existing file.

if isfile(strcat(fileName, '.', fileExtension))
    delete(strcat(fileName, '.', fileExtension));

Set the packet arrival time in POSIX® microseconds.

timestamp = 124800;

Radiotap bytes to include in each packet.

radiotapBytes = [0 0 24 0 2 0 40 0 16 3 0 0 2 192 0 0 0 0 63 1 19 0 0 0];

Create a WLAN PCAP file writer object with the specified file name and extension by using the wlanPCAPWriter object.

pcap = wlanPCAPWriter(FileName=fileName, FileExtension=fileExtension, RadiotapPresent=true);

Specify the MAC frames to be exported to the PCAP file.

frames = {rtsFrame, qosDataFrame, beaconFrame};

Write the MAC frames to the PCAP file.

for idx = 1:numel(frames)
    write(pcap, frames{idx}, timestamp, Radiotap=radiotapBytes);

Delete the PCAP file writer object.


Visualization of the Generated MAC Frames

You can open the PCAP files containing the generated MAC frames in a packet analyzer. The frames decoded by Wireshark match the standard compliant MAC frames generated using the WLAN Toolbox. This figure shows the analysis of the captured MAC frames in Wireshark.

  • RTS frame

  • QoS Data frame

  • Beacon frame

Conclusion and Further Exploration

This example shows how to generate MAC frames for the IEEE 802.11 standard. You can use a packet analyzer to view the generated MAC frames. To transmit the generated MAC frames over the air, see 802.11 OFDM Beacon Frame Generation and 802.11ac Waveform Generation with MAC Frames.


[1] IEEE Std 802.11™-2020 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.11-2016). “Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications.” IEEE Standard for Information Technology — Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems — Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific Requirements.

[2] IEEE® Std 802.11ax™-2021 (Amendment to IEEE Std 802.11-2020). “Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. Amendment 1: Enhancements for High Efficiency WLAN.” IEEE Standard for Information Technology — Telecommunications and Information Exchange between Systems. Local and Metropolitan Area Networks — Specific Requirements.

[4] Wireshark · Go Deep. Accessed 30 June 2020

[5] Group, The Tcpdump. Tcpdump/Libpcap Public Repository. Accessed 30 June 2020

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