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frame blocking in matlab

5 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
lam il 15 Gen 2014
Commentato: Walter Roberson il 26 Mag 2022
i am new in using matlab. i am going to do a speak recognition, but i have a problem, which is how can i do the frame blocking? do i need the code? or just use the function in matlab? thank you

Risposte (1)

声铭 张
声铭 张 il 26 Mag 2022
function gmmfeatures(voice,N,deltaN,fs,Q)
N=256; %number of frames
M=156; %number of overlapping frame
a(1:256,1:82)=0;a(:,1)= voice (1:256,1);
for j=2:82
a(:,j)= voice ((N-M)*j+1:(N-M)*j+N,1);
title('Frame blocking of the Voice Signal');
this function shows the frame blocking


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