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List containing all parameters that can be set by set_param

52 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
is there a list containing all parameters that can be set by set_param? After a long time googeling, I found many interesting ways to use that command, but I haven't found a complete reference of what you can do with it, yet. E.g.:
- is it possible to specify SrcWorkspace und DstWorkspace?
- are there restrictions in using that command in parfor loops?
Thanks, Arco

Risposta accettata

Ryan G
Ryan G il 7 Feb 2014
Modificato: Ryan G il 7 Feb 2014
ParameterCellArray = get_param(gcb, 'DialogParameters')
returns a cell array containing the names of the Object dialog parameters.
If you want to see everything you can do to a block, try

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