area, stairs

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hamed Amini
Hamed Amini il 20 Lug 2011
Modificato: Bill Tubbs il 30 Mar 2024
Is there any property setting for 'area' function which generates the 'straits' for the boundary of the colored regions instead of 'plot' curves?

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Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov il 20 Lug 2011
% Random row input
x = 1:10;
y = rand(1,10);
% Normal area chart
% Stairs chart (non area)
% Stairs area
x = [x;x];
y = [y;y];
area(x([2:end end]),y(1:end))
  1 Commento
Hamed Amini
Hamed Amini il 20 Lug 2011
Very Clever! Thanks Oleg.

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Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs il 30 Mar 2024
Modificato: Bill Tubbs il 30 Mar 2024
Building on Oleg's answer I wrote a function for doing the same thing with a stacked area plot. However, the data in the x and Y arguments here are aligned vertically in the rows, not horizontally in the columns.
function area_step_plot(x, Y)
assert(size(x, 2) == 1)
nx = size(x, 1);
Y = Y(1:nx-1, :); % final y-values are not used
ny = size(Y, 2);
X = [x x]';
X2 = X(2:end-1)';
Y2 = reshape(permute(cat(3, Y, Y), [3 1 2]), [], ny);
area(X2, Y2)
The Y argument can be a matrix of column vectors containing different data series.
x = (1:10)';
Y = rand(10, 3); % Note: last row is not plotted
area_step_plot(x, Y)


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