Capture image uisng CMUcam4?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Emmanuel il 8 Mag 2014
Hello! I am using CMUcam4 for color tracking. I would like to know as to how to capture real time video from cmucam4 through matlab? On trying to find my device ID , I got this messge:
dev_info = imaqhwinfo('winvideo',2) cam = AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\toolbox\imaq\imaqadaptors\win64\mwwinvideoimaq.dll' AdaptorDllVersion: '4.6 (R2013b)' AdaptorName: 'winvideo' DeviceIDs: {1x0 cell} DeviceInfo: [1x0 struct] pleas ehelp.

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