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gui matlab text file

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
rohith  adulla
rohith adulla il 24 Giu 2014
Chiuso: MATLAB Answer Bot il 20 Ago 2021
hi guys i am developing a gui where on triggering the plot button it generates theta and fm values with which it plots the graph , now the thing is after triggering the plot button i need the values of theta and fm that are generated to be transferred to a text file so that i can have a record of values of my experiment , i am not able to find the problem till now , i am attaching the files here please if you can check the text file part in code at lines 187-198 and tell me whats going wrong i would be very great full

Risposte (1)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng il 24 Giu 2014
I would try
fprintf(fid,'thetha value genrated is %f and frequency genrated is %f\n',[theta,Fm]);
  2 Commenti
rohith  adulla
rohith adulla il 24 Giu 2014
thank you that worked thank you so much
Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng il 24 Giu 2014
Not to make is sound like i want the points (i sort of do Q('-')9) but would you accept the answer? That way it doesn't sit in the limbo and it shows up as a solution to your question if anyone else comes across this problem.

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