how to change the Gui close function whithout changing the close function of figures ?

11 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hi, I'm trying to protect the close request function of my GUI with a yes/no question etc.
I've found some common way to do this in the matlab help :
This works but also changes the close function of the external figures and I don't want to.
I tried: set(hObject,'DefaultFigureCloseRequestFcn',@my_closereq)
But this gives the same problem.
Any Idea ?

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Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes il 2 Lug 2014
Modificato: Geoff Hayes il 2 Lug 2014
Mathieu - my understanding of the DefaultFigureCloseRequestFcn is that once set at the root level (0), then MATLAB uses this setting for the CloseRequestFcn of all subsequently created figures.
I think what you want to do instead is just modify the CloseRequestFcn for your GUI figure. If you are using GUIDE, then you should click the figure and select (from the menu) View --> View Callbacks --> CloseRequestFcn and the following should appear in the editor
% --- Executes when user attempts to close YourGuiName.
function YourGuiName_CloseRequestFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to YourGuiName (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Hint: delete(hObject) closes the figure delete(hObject);
You could then change the body to something like
selection = questdlg('Close YourGuiName?',...
'Close Request Function',...
switch selection,
case 'Yes',
case 'No'
To do something more similar to the code you have written in your question, you could do
where figure_handle is the handle to your figure. Note how we use CloseRequestFcn (just like the GUIDE approach) which will affect figure_handle only and not be the default behaviour for all other figures.
Try the above and see what happens!
  4 Commenti
Mathieu il 2 Lug 2014
Yep, the problem was in the ' DefaultFigureCloseRequestFcn ' instead of ' CloseRequestFcn '
figure1_CloseRequestfcn seems to be working as well. I think I previously modified figure1_deletefcn which was maybe why it wasn't working properly. It is a little bit confusing because I made those function appear one at a time by clicking on the view callbacks of GUIDE.
I mentioned that " figure1 " was generated, just in case this was a wrong behavior and should have been the filename of the gui instead.
Thanks a lot for the support !

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Più risposte (1)

Joseph Cheng
Joseph Cheng il 2 Lug 2014
I agree with Geoff Hayes and that should work. I did a quick example. I first created a function called closeRequest.m which contains the following.
function closeRequest(hObject,event)
ButtonName = questdlg('Close window?', ...
'Close Check', ...
'Yes', 'No','No');
switch ButtonName
case 'Yes'
case 'No'
then tested it with a simple script.
hObject = figure;
title('check close figure')
hObjects2 = figure;
title('normally close figure')
by doing this only the first 'checked close' figure asks for the close dialog.


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