How to create train data for 1d CNN
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Parichada Trairat
il 14 Set 2021
Risposto: Anshika Chaurasia
il 17 Set 2021
I try to reshape data for be the inpput of CNN started with reshape XTrain to 4d
but the error say "Error using categorical (line 358)
Could not find unique values in DATA using the UNIQUE function. Caused by:
Error using matlab.internal.math.uniqueCellstrHelper
Cell array input must be a cell array of character vectors."
my train data set is 2016 x 3 double
how I can get the input for CNN network (YTrain)
%% Reshaped input
XTrain = reshape(trainset,[1 2016 1 3]);
% Creat the labels
YTrain = (trainset(:,3));
YTrain = num2cell(YTrain);
YTrain = categorical(YTrain);
2 Commenti
il 14 Set 2021
What is your input and out put? What exactly is the targetted problem? You know for CNN inputs should be images/ matrices.
Risposta accettata
Anshika Chaurasia
il 17 Set 2021
Refer to following documentation to know more about preparing data for 1D convolution:
Refer to following documentation for load forecasting:
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