Issue with numerical integration of two variable function
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Bathala Teja
il 20 Set 2021
Commentato: Bathala Teja
il 22 Set 2021
I want to do integration of two variable function w.r.t one variable.
A = @(x, y)cos(x)+sin(y)
B = @(x, y)(A-integral(@(x)A, 0 , 2*pi))
How to see the output here??
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Walter Roberson
il 20 Set 2021
A = @(x, y) cos(x)+sin(y)
B = @(x, y) A(x,y)-integral(@(X)A(X,y), 0 , 2*pi, 'ArrayValued', true)
fsurf(B, [-pi pi -pi pi])
4 Commenti
Walter Roberson
il 22 Set 2021
It depends what you mean by "possible".
If you mean that you want to get the formula cos(x) + sin(y) - 2 * pi * sin(y) as your output, then that is certainly not something you could ever get through numeric methods, so it would require either using the Symbolic Toolbox or else doing equivalent processing such as text manipulation.
You know from examination that cos(x) + sin(y) is separable, so int(cos(x) + sin(y), x, 0, 2*pi) can be expanded into int(cos(x),x, 0, 2*pi) + int(sin(y), x, 0, 2 * pi) .
The second of those is constant in x, so the second of those is sin(y) * (2*pi) - sin(y) * (0) which is sin(y) * 2*pi
The first part, int(cos(x), x, 0, 2*pi) is (-sin(x) evaluated at 2*pi) - (-sin(x) evaluated at 0) which is -0 - (-0) which is 0.
So the entire integral is going to come out as sin(y) * 2*pi
You then subtract that from the original function cos(x) + sin(y) so you are going to get cos(x) + sin(y) - sin(y) * 2*pi
This approach requires a small knowledge of the integral of trig functions -- knowing how to integrate cos(x).
But this approach requires human knowledge of how to read the formula cos(x) + sin(y) and the formula involving the integral. The parts of MATLAB that are able to read a formula like that and have the knowledge of what it means and how to integrate... well, that's exactly what the Symbolic Toolbox does.
So as a human, you can find the solution fairly easily. Biut as a computer, you need the Symbolic Toolbox, or at least software that is programmed with enough calculus knowledge to handle all of the cases you need.
Più risposte (2)
il 20 Set 2021
Modificato: Sargondjani
il 20 Set 2021
You created only function handles. So f(x,y) = .....
To compute the numerical value you need to assign numerical values to x and y. So for example:
B_value = B(x,y);
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Steven Lord
il 20 Set 2021
A = @(x, y)cos(x)+sin(y);
B = @(x, y)(A-integral(@(x)A, 0 , 2*pi));
Your expression for B won't work for two reasons. The integral function requires the function handle you pass into it as the first input to return a numeric array, but yours returns a function handle. Even if that worked, you would then try to subtract that result from a function handle and arithmetic on function handles is not supported.
From your description it sounds like you want B to be a function of one variable, but you need to pass two inputs into your A function handle. Assuming you want to fix the value of x and make B just a function of y, evaluate A inside your expression for B:
A = @(x, y)cos(x)+sin(y);
fixedX = 0.5;
B = @(y) A(fixedX, y)-integral(@(z)A(fixedX, z), 0 , 2*pi)
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