How to plot multiple Loops and draw data lables for legend

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to plot return value C and add legend according to iteration for below code
A = [1:4];
B = [1:4];
C = zeros(size(A,2),size(B,2));
for i = 1:length(A)
for j = 1:length(B)
C(i,j) = power(A(i),B(j));
  3 Commenti
Life is Wonderful
Life is Wonderful il 24 Set 2021
Modificato: Life is Wonderful il 24 Set 2021
@KSSV, Thanks
C = (A').^B ; % It could be ( Not Always) dangerous and may result in Matrix dim mismatch
I welcome your plot proposal
Life is Wonderful
Life is Wonderful il 24 Set 2021
You can redraw figure using Base or Exponent as X axis .
I expect legend with base and exponent info

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Shanmukha Voggu
Shanmukha Voggu il 27 Set 2021
I understood that you want to
1) plot every row of matrix C against matrix B
2) And label every row of matrix C individually using legend
This can be achieved by DisplayName property of the plot as shown below
A = [1:4];
B = [1:4];
C = zeros(size(A,2),size(B,2));
for i = 1:length(A)
for j = 1:length(B)
C(i,j) = power(A(i),B(j));
plot(B,C(i,:), 'DisplayName', "row - "+num2str(i));
% The DisplayName property is set to the row number of matrix C
% We can Customize the fourth argument above
if i==1
hold on % holds the axes such that it contains previous plots and new plots
hold off % removes the "hold on" constraint
Refer to this for more information.
  5 Commenti
Life is Wonderful
Life is Wonderful il 28 Set 2021
Now I can use your solution in my work.
Thanks a lot for wonderful help!!

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