How to plot this?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
BN il 9 Ott 2021
Commentato: BN il 9 Ott 2021
Dear all,
I have a table containing the cumulative distribution of 3 variables (x, y, and m). Now I want to plot contours of "m" for different "x "and "y" values. Just like this plot below:
If this is important m is the joint cumulative probability of x and y.
I attached my dataset, any advice is appreciated.
best regards.
  1 Commento
BN il 9 Ott 2021
Modificato: BN il 9 Ott 2021
I tried to do it using this
mydata = table2array(mydata);
N = histcounts2(mydata(:,1),mydata(:, 2) ,'Normalization','cdf');
but the range of x and y are not between 0 and 1.

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Dave B
Dave B il 9 Ott 2021
Modificato: Dave B il 9 Ott 2021
You can get an the x and y values for the edges from histcounts2, but that gives you one extra value (you want to tell contour the values at the centers of each bin not at the edges). The centers of the bins can be thought of as the first edge plus one half of the difference between the edges:
(I adjusted the number of bins, the linewidth, and the colormap, and I added labels to make it a little more similar to your example)
mydata = table2array(cp);
[N,x,y] = histcounts2(mydata(:,1), mydata(:,2), 25, 'Normalization','cdf');
colormap turbo
  1 Commento
BN il 9 Ott 2021
Thank you so much, that's exactly what I needed. Really appreciate you.

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