How to solve the 'DAE appears to be of index greater than 1' error for this simple system of equations?

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Hey guys,
I am trying to solve a set of equations using ode15s and a mass matrix. However, I keep getting the error:
Error using daeic12 (line 76)
This DAE appears to be of index greater than 1.
I know the problem is in the mass matrix, when I turn it off the error dissapears. However, I have no idea how to solve this anymore, increasing the tolerances also has no influence.
The used code:
%% Call to ODE solver
par.numC = 3;
% Set integration to the radius of the catalytic particle
par.zspan = [0 par.rp];
% Create mass matrix: 0 for solid phase balances; 1 for fluid phase
M = spdiags([zeros(par.numC,1);ones(par.numC,1)],0,(2)*par.numC, (2)*par.numC);
% ODE settings
% options=odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol',1e-6);
par.k_0 = 6.7404e-04; % Rate Constant [1/s]
par.cA_0 = 100; % Initial Concentration of A [mol/m3]
par.cB_0 = 100; % Initial Concentration of B [mol/m3]
par.cC_0 = 1e-9; % Initial Concentration of product C [mol/m3]
par.InitCond = repmat([par.cA_0; par.cB_0; par.cC_0;],2,1);
% Call to solver bv
[z,u] = ode15s(@EqTest,par.zspan,par.InitCond,options,par);
%% Plotter
par.r = linspace(0, par.rp, 2); % Create the cell face positions again
Conc_A = u(:,1:par.numC:end-2);
Conc_B = u(:,2:par.numC:end-1);
Conc_C = u(:,3:par.numC:end);
plot(par.r,Conc_A(end,:),par.r,Conc_B(end,:), par.r,Conc_C(end,:))
And the equations:
function [dudz,par]= EqTest(~,u,par)
% Reshape to column vector for ODE15s
u = reshape(u, par.numC, 2);
% Create a storage
dudz = zeros(size(u));
% Determine the kinetic rate
par.R1 = par.k_0 .* u(1,1:end-1) .* u(2,1:end-1) ;
% Calculate the concentration profile
% Component A
dudz(1,1:end-1) = - par.R1;
% Component B
dudz(2,1:end-1) = - par.R1;
% Component C
dudz(3,1:end-1) = + par.R1;
dudz = dudz(:) ;
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks in advance

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