Evaluating the area between two curves.

14 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Ejay Kasai
Ejay Kasai il 12 Set 2011
how to Evaluate the area between two curves using matlab? for example this one y=x^2 and y=2*x
  2 Commenti
kalash vasaniya
kalash vasaniya il 8 Nov 2021
Find the area of the region bounded by the curves x=y^3 and x=y^2 in matlab
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 8 Nov 2021
syms x y
fimplicit([x == y^3, x == y^2], [-1 10])
Which of the two areas? The right-hand one is obviously unbounded, but your instructions do not say to do only the other area.
And please explain how your instructions will solve the question asked 10 years ago by Ejay Kasai ??

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Risposte (2)

Grzegorz Knor
Grzegorz Knor il 12 Set 2011
In your case:
syms x
x0 = eval(solve('x^2 -2*x'));
x = linspace(x0(1),x0(2),100);
y1 = x.^2;
y2 = 2*x;
fill([x x(end:-1:1)],[y1 y2(end:-1:1)],'r')
hold on
grid on
a = trapz(x,y2)-trapz(x,y1);
Instead of:
syms x
x0 = eval(solve('x^2 -2*x'));
You can use:
x0(1) = fzero('x.^2 -2*x',1);
x0(2) = fzero('x.^2 -2*x',1.5);
  6 Commenti
Ejay Kasai
Ejay Kasai il 13 Set 2011
i mean i need a code to evaluate the area between the two curves. i need to make a matlab program for that.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 13 Set 2011
The expression Grzegorz gave, a = trapz(x,y2)-trapz(x,y1) *is* the code to evaluate the area between the two curves. This is elementary calculus: the area between two curves is the difference between their integrals. trapz() calculates numeric integrals.

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Shyam babu
Shyam babu il 8 Lug 2023
find the area included between the curves y^2=4*x & x^2=4*y
  1 Commento
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 8 Lug 2023
I do not seem to understand how this would solve the question posted by @Ejay Kasai ??

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