I was able to replicate the error that you are facing and as I understand it is because of using P-code files in the project.
The error is due to P-code files being obfuscated code that cannot be analysed by the dependency analysis tool. Hence it is unable to automatically find and add the dependencies needed for the P-code file. To circumvent this, we need to add the dependencies manually when packaging the app.
The following example showcases the error. We create a parent function that calls a child function within it:
out = strcat("Hello ",child());
Then we convert them into P-code using the pcode command in the command line:
We then delete the parent and child function files so that we are left with only the P-code files. The output of calling the parent function will be a string “Hello World” which we will use inside our App Designer app to set as the text property for a Label using the Button’s Callback Function:
function ClicktoUpdateButtonPushed(app, event)
app.LabelText.Text = string(parent);
When we run the app, we see that the label’s text changes when we click the button:
When we go to package the app, we can now see the warning prompt in the GUI:
The workaround is to add the dependent files manually. In this case, we need to add child.p manually into our package. To do this, we click on Add files/folders under the Share resources and helper files to add our Child.p P-code file. The result should look as follows:
We can now go ahead and package the App without any errors. For more information about P-code refer to the following documentation: