creating a PDF report using simulation results.

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I would like to create a layout for my PDF report using report generator code.
where in the table 1st column data is defined by user, and 2nd column data in obtained from the simulation results (Variable's values saved in MATRICES in Workspace in APP DESIGNER).
In page #1 end , I would like to print the simulation result which I will obtain from the simulation.
Kindly help me with a code template for this layout by seeing the attachments.
I am facing problem in assigning the 2nd column data values.

Risposte (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski il 9 Nov 2021
I'd strongly encourage you to look at the report generator task examples and specifically the tables section.
You can use these as a starting point to customize your own table. Once you have that, if you have any specific issues, post the code here.


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