I finally made a clean installation of R2021b and find it working as it should. I started adding my "Set Path" Directories and again it wasn't working anymore. Figured out that this toolboxes caused the above described issues https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/46271-electromyographic-signal-analysis-tool-emgat2014
Failed to open Add-On manager and install Add-Ons
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Daniel Schwensow
il 19 Nov 2021
Commentato: Julianne
il 31 Mag 2023
I'm currently running Matlab R2021b on a Win10 machine but experiencing the same issues with Matlab R2020b on the same machine. I tried to open the Addon Manager to install another basemap but I get the following errors:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow/bringToFront (line 74)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Manager/show (line 59)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showManager (line 80)
Error using str2double (line 215)
STR2DOUBLE: invalid input argument
Error in matlab.net.URI/set.Port (line 393)
port = str2double(value);
Error in matlab.net.URI/parse (line 1191)
obj.Port = authority.Port;
Error in matlab.net.URI (line 874)
obj = obj.parse(dest, literal);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnWindowUrl/generate (line 24)
url = matlab.net.URI(this.baseUrl);
Error in getExplorerUrl/getConnectorUrlForMatlab (line 49)
url = urlGenerator.generate.EncodedURI;
Error in getExplorerUrl/getConnectorUrls (line 43)
connectorUrls.matlab = getConnectorUrlForMatlab();
Error in getExplorerUrl (line 20)
connectorUrls = jsonencode(getConnectorUrls());
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/show (line 63)
url = char(getExplorerUrl(navigationData));
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showExplorer (line 140)
Another way i tried was downloading the the basemap as an ".mlpkginstall"-File from Mathworks file exchange but that's producing errors as well:
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnsWindow/bringToFront (line 74)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Manager/show (line 59)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showManager (line 86)
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showInstallerInManager (line 23)
matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showManager(entryPointIdentifier, 'openUrl', installerUrl);
Are there any settings I might have missed doing? I'm grateful for any help.
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Anshika Chourasia
il 30 Nov 2021
Hi Daniel,
To resolve this issue, regenerate your MATLAB Preferences.
Please follow the mentioned link for more information: How do I regenerate my MATLAB preferences
2 Commenti
il 31 Mag 2023
Getting the same error when trying to launch the add-on explorer window. Inserting code below:
Error using strsplit
Too many input arguments.
Error in matlab.net.URI/set.Path (line 432)
obj.Path = strsplit(string(value), '/', 'CollapseDelimiters', false);
Error in matlab.net.URI/parse (line 1202)
obj.Path = parts.Path;
Error in matlab.net.URI (line 874)
obj = obj.parse(dest, literal);
Error in matlab.internal.addons.AddOnWindowUrl/generate (line 26)
url = matlab.net.URI(this.baseUrl, this.queryParams);
Error in getExplorerUrl/getConnectorUrlForMatlab (line 50)
url = urlGenerator.addQueryParameter("useRegFwk", useRegFwk()).generate.EncodedURI;
Error in getExplorerUrl/getConnectorUrls (line 44)
connectorUrls.matlab = getConnectorUrlForMatlab();
Error in getExplorerUrl (line 20)
connectorUrls = jsonencode(getConnectorUrls());
Error in matlab.internal.addons.Explorer/show (line 63)
url = char(getExplorerUrl(navigationData));
Error in matlab.internal.addons.launchers.showExplorer (line 140)
Any advice?
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