Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

The code returns a value in the form of "theta_3b(x, z) =.". How can I get this to return just theta_3b=

19 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
syms f g x y z
% % % % % Temperature Formula 3b % % % % %
for n=0:25
beta6 = (n*pi)/H;
eta6 = (((2*pi)/L)*(n+0.5));
mew6 = -1036;
lamda6 = (beta6.^2)+(eta6.^2)+(mew6.^2);
f(x,y,z) = sin(beta6*z).*cos(eta6*x).*sin(mew6*y).*cos(mew6*y);
C_nmp_numerator6 = int(int(int(f,z,[0 H]),y,[0 W]),x,[0 (L/2)]);
g(x,y,z) = ((cos(mew6*y)^2).*sin(mew6*y) - ((h/(k*mew6)).*(sin(mew6*y)^2).*cos(mew6*y)));
C_nmp_denominator6 = ((L*H)/8)* (int(g,y,[0 W]));
C_nmp6 = C_nmp_numerator6/C_nmp_denominator6;
theta_3b = theta_3b+(C_nmp6*(sin(beta6*z)*cos(eta6*x)*((cos(mew6*y)-(h/(k*mew6))*sin(mew6*y)))*exp(-(lamda6^2)*alpha*t)));
theta_3b = vpa(subs(theta_3b, {x,y,z}, {X,Y,Z}))

Risposte (2)

Abhaya il 27 Set 2024 alle 6:44
Hi Clayton,
The variable theta_3b derives its type from variableC_nomp6, which is of type ‘symfun. This is why, when you display variable theta_3b, the associated symbols are shown alongside its name.
To display only the expression associated with the variable ‘theta_3b’ you can use MATLAB ‘findSymType’ function.
For more information, please follow the MATLAB documentation for findSymType’.
Hope it resolves your query.

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 27 Set 2024 alle 6:59
theta_3b = vpa(subs(theta_3b, {x,y,z}, {X,Y,Z}));
fprintf('theta_3b = %s\n', char(theta_3b))


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