I want to create 3d dubins state space,but i am getting an error

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This is the code for my 3d dubins state space ,i just want this state space to have a min radius property i.e curvilinear path aside from all properties of SE3 state space but i am getting an error in this ,can you please help ,exactly whats wrong in this?
classdef stateSpaceDubins3D < nav.StateSpace & stateSpaceSE3
%matlabshared.tracking.internal.CustomDisplay & ...
%matlabshared.planning.internal.EnforceScalarHandle & ...
%STATESPACEDUBINS State space for Dubins vehicles
% The Dubins state space is based on the SE(2) space with three
% state variables: x, y, and theta.
% SPACE = stateSpaceDubins creates a Dubins state space object, SPACE,
% with default bounds for x, y, and theta. The Dubins state space has
% limits on the turning radius, MinTurningRadius, for navigating between
% states and uses the shortest feasible curve to connect states.
% SPACE = stateSpaceDubins(BOUNDS) creates a state space object
% with [min max] BOUNDS for x, y, and theta, specified as a
% 3-by-2 matrix.
% stateSpaceDubins properties:
% Name - Name of state space
% NumStateVariables - Number of state variables in space
% StateBounds - Bounds of state variables
% MinTurningRadius - Minimum turning radius
% stateSpaceDubins methods:
% copy - Create deep copy of object
% distance - Distance between two states
% enforceStateBounds - Ensure state lies within state bounds
% interpolate - Interpolate between two states
% sampleUniform - Sample state using uniform distribution
% sampleGaussian - Sample state using Gaussian distribution
% See also stateSpaceReedsShepp, stateSpaceSE2.
% Copyright 2019-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.
%MinTurningRadius Minimum turning radius (in meters)
% Default: 1
MinTurningRadius = 1
function obj = stateSpaceDubins3D(varargin)
%STATESPACEDUBINS Construct Dubins state space object
obj.Name = 'SE3 Dubins';
function dist = distance(obj, state1, state2)
%DISTANCE Distance between two states
% DIST = DISTANCE(SPACE, STATE1, STATE2) computes the distance
% along the optimal Dubins curve from STATE1 to STATE2.
% These states are M-by-3 matrices, where each row is a different
% state. The function calculates the distance between each row in
% the two matrices and returns a vector of M distances.
% Example:
% space = stateSpaceDubins
% % Calculate Dubins distance between 2 states
% dist = DISTANCE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4])
% % Decrease the minimum turning radius and calculate again
% space.MinTurningRadius = 0.25;
% dists = DISTANCE(space, [2 10 -pi; 2 10 0], [0 -2.5 -pi/4; 0 -2.5 -pi/2])
if ~obj.SkipStateValidation
% If one of state1 and state2 is single state, skip checking rows for both
if size(state1, 1) == 1 || size(state2, 1) == 1
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state1, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state1');
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state2, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state2');
else %otherwise both states have to have the same number of rows
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state1, nan, 7, 'distance', 'state1');
nav.internal.validation.validateStateMatrix(state2, size(state1,1), 7, 'distance', 'state2');
% Call the builtins function directly. Only retrieve the
% optimal Dubins connection for distance calculation.
distRow = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsSegments(...
double(state1), double(state2), obj.MinTurningRadius, 'optimal', {});
dist = distRow.';
function interpState = interpolate(obj, state1, state2, ratios)
%INTERPOLATE Interpolate between two states
% interpolated states between two states at points given by RATIOS,
% which is specified as a vector of values between [0,1].
% The ratio values represent the distance along the Dubins path segment
% that connects STATE1 and STATE2.
% Example:
% space = stateSpaceDubins
% % Interpolate half-way between 2 states
% state = INTERPOLATE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4], 0.5)
% % Interpolate multiple points with a fixed interval
% states = INTERPOLATE(space, [2 10 -pi], [0 -2.5 -pi/4], [0:0.02:1])
% Validate and make sure that state vectors are rows, since the builtins
% require that input format.
if ~obj.SkipStateValidation
[state1, state2, ratios] = obj.validateInterpolateInput(state1, state2, ratios);
% Use the builtins directly for maximum performance
[pathLength,segmentLengths,segmentTypes] = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsSegments(...
state1, state2, obj.MinTurningRadius, 'optimal', {});
% 'optimal' argument returns segmentLengths and segmentTypes as
% vectors, and pathLength is a scalar
interpState = matlabshared.planning.internal.DubinsBuiltins.autonomousDubinsInterpolateSegments(...
state1, state2, double(ratios) * pathLength(1), obj.MinTurningRadius, ...
segmentLengths(:)', uint32(segmentTypes(:)'));
% Make sure all angles are wrapped to [-pi,pi] interval
%interpState(:,3) = robotics.internal.wrapToPi(interpState(:,3));
function copyObj = copy(obj)
%COPY Create deep copy of state space object
% COPYSPACE = COPY(SPACE) creates a deep copy of the state space
% object SPACE and return the new object in COPYSPACE. All
% data of SPACE is also present in COPYSPACE.
% Example:
% % Create Dubins object and set custom MinTurningRadius
% space = stateSpaceDubins;
% space.MinTurningRadius = 0.5
% % Make a deep copy
% space2 = COPY(space)
% % Verify that property values are the same
% isequal(space.MinTurningRadius, space2.MinTurningRadius)
copyObj = stateSpaceDubins3D(obj.StateBounds);
function set.MinTurningRadius(obj, radius)
%set.MinTurningRadius Setter for MinTurningRadius property
validateattributes(radius, {'double'}, ...
{'nonempty', 'scalar', 'real', 'nonnan', 'finite', 'positive'}, 'stateSpaceDubins', 'MinTurningRadius');
obj.MinTurningRadius = double(radius);
methods (Access = protected)
function propgrp = getPropertyGroups(obj)
%getPropertyGroups Custom property group display
% This function is overrides the function in the
% CustomDisplay base class.
propListS3 = struct(...
"Name", obj.Name,...
"StateBounds", obj.StateBounds,...
"NumStateVariables", obj.NumStateVariables);
propgrpSE3 = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propListS3, ...
propListDubins = struct("MinTurningRadius", obj.MinTurningRadius);
propgrpDubins = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propListDubins, ...
propgrp = [propgrpSE3, propgrpDubins];
function copyProperties(obj, copyObj)
%copyProperties Copy property data from this object to new object
% Copy all properties of SE2 base class
% Copy Dubins properties
copyObj.MinTurningRadius = obj.MinTurningRadius;
  9 Commenti
mukund shah
mukund shah il 11 Dic 2021
thanks for that
but now this error is showing up
Error using nav.algs.internal.builtin.SearchTree/nearestNeighbor
The user specified distance function has encountered an unknown error.
Error in nav.algs.internal.SearchTree/nearestNeighbor (line 34)
idx = obj.BuiltinTree.nearestNeighbor(randState);
Error in plannerRRT/extend (line 351)
idx = treeInternal.nearestNeighbor(randState);
Error in plannerRRT/plan (line 289)
[newNodeId, statusCode, treeInternal] = extend(obj, randState, treeInternal);
Error in dubspace3d (line 24)
[pthObj,solnInfo] = plan(planner,start,goal);
so how do we change this ?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson il 11 Dic 2021
Sorry, I do not know. You would probably need to
dbstop if caught error
and debug the code.

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Remo Pillat
Remo Pillat il 31 Mar 2023
Modificato: Remo Pillat il 31 Mar 2023
If you still see this error message, please reach out to MathWorks tech support (https://www.mathworks.com/support/contact_us.html), so they can help you debug your code.

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