How to Concatenate 5 differently named variables in one variable using foor loop?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
for i=1:5
% now here i want to concatinate A_1 to A_5
Combine= [1 2 3 4 5] % this is required
  4 Commenti
Raza Ali
Raza Ali il 12 Gen 2022
Thank you for the comments. Actually, I have n variables and every variable has a different number of elements (a row matrix). So, I need to combine all the elements of all n variables.
Stephen23 il 12 Gen 2022
Modificato: Stephen23 il 12 Gen 2022
"Actually, I have n variables and every variable has a different number of elements (a row matrix). So, I need to combine all the elements of all n variables."
That is very easy if you have well-designed data, e.g. multiple vectors in one cell array C, using any of these:
V = [C{:}]
V = cat(n,C{:})
V = horzcat(C{:})
V = vertcat(C{:})
Trying to do that with badly-designed data (e.g. lots of variables with numbered names) will be much more complex and inefficient than that simple code. Better data design -> much better code.

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Risposte (1)

VIGNESH B S il 12 Gen 2022
a1 = 5;
a2 = 10;
a3 = 15;
combined_row_wise = [a1,a2,a3]
combined_row_wise = 1×3
5 10 15
combined_column_wise = [a1;a2;a3]
combined_column_wise = 3×1
5 10 15


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