Is it possible to insert a polyshape onto an already defined grid?

4 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
If i already have a 10x10 grid (say ranging from 1:10 in both x and y) and I create a triangle (lets say a side length of 2) using polyshape (or other) is there a way to impose the triangle onto the already preestablished grid? The aim is to have a grid where I can place objects and have greater ability of manipulating them such as rotating them.
Currently im using loops to make the triangle on the pre-established grid, but I have no control of its rotation.
If there is a better way of going about this then please let me know!

Risposte (1)

VINAYAK LUHA il 24 Nov 2023
Hi Johnny,
I understand that you want to insert a polyshape onto a preestablished grid in MATLAB and further you also want to manipulate the shape's position and orientation in the grid.
Follow the below steps to plot a triangle using the "polyshape" function in a grid and manipulate its position and orientation using arrow keys.
  1. Create a grid using the "meshgrid" function.
  2. Define the vertices of the triangle and create a polyshape of the triangle providing the vertices of the triangle as input to the "polyshape" function.
  3. Create a figure and plot the defined grid and triangle.
  4. Attach a callback function to the created figure, say "KeyPressFcn" to capture key press events on the figure.
  5. Implement the "KeyPressFcn" such that -
  • It identifies the key presses and configures the corresponding action to perform.
  • An Action takes the current polyshape object as input and modifies its vertices as per pre-defined transformation.
  • Clear the current figure and replot the modified polyshape to it.
Here is the detailed code snippet to implement the above instructions-
global x;
global y;
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:10, 1:10);
triangleVertices = [3 3; 5 3; 4 5];
global triangle
triangle = polyshape(triangleVertices);
plot(x, y, 'k.');
hold on;
set(gcf, 'KeyPressFcn', @keyPressed);
function keyPressed(~, event)
global triangle
step = 0.1;
switch event.Key
case 'uparrow'
triangle = translate(triangle, [0, step]);
case 'downarrow'
triangle = translate(triangle, [0, -step]);
case 'leftarrow'
triangle = rotate(triangle, deg2rad(20), mean(triangle.Vertices));
case 'rightarrow'
triangle = rotate(triangle, deg2rad(-20), mean(triangle.Vertices));
global x;
global y;
plot(x, y, 'k.');
hold on;
Additionally, refer to the following documentations for more details on how to use the above-mentioned functions-
Hope this helps you in understanding how to insert a polyshape onto a pre-established grid in MATLAB and further manipulate its position and orientation.
Best regards,
Vinayak Luha


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