importing data from a text file to matlab

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I want to import data from a text file folder(which has several files within it) to matlab workspace. Suppose my one file consist of 3-4 columns and i want to label each column into a separate array. Any suggestions?

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Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski il 8 Dic 2014
Right click on the file and select "Import Data". Then select the data you want and import it. If you want to automate this, click the down arrow under the import check box and generate a script or a function.
  3 Commenti
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski il 9 Dic 2014
This is exactly what the Import Tool will let you do if you select column vectors.
Chathu il 9 Dic 2014
Great!!! Thank you so much Sean.

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