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How to resize multiple dicom images in subfolders and save them?

6 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have multiple subfolders with many MR dicom images with different size. How can I resize them into 128x128 and save them in the same subfolders at once? Thank you in advance!

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yanqi liu
yanqi liu il 25 Mar 2022
fd = fullfile(pwd, 'dcms');
fs = ls(fullfile(fd, '*.dcm'));
for i = 1 : size(fs,1)
im = dicomread(fullfile(fd, strtrim(fs(i,:))));
im = imresize(im, [128 128], 'bilinear');
imwrite(im, fullfile(fd, [strtrim(fs(i,:))) '_128x128.dcm']));
  11 Commenti
Rik il 14 Apr 2022
Your error seems due to your dicom file, so not something we can debug for you remotely. Unless you use a custom dicom reader and haven't told us yet.
Shourya il 14 Apr 2022
Modificato: Shourya il 14 Apr 2022
@Rik Thank you for your response. I am not using any dicom reader. I am not sure what is the issue. I just have MR images saved in .dcm format. They are just image files without any metadata. I don't know how to confirm if the images are readable, there are thousands of images with many folders.

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