How can I improve regionprops() use?
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I have a code I use to get the center of each letter/number in an image using bounding boxes. But for some reason region props detects a segment of the border(Left side of image) as an object. I wanted to know how I can prevent this from happening because it does for my other data. I used this function. I marked the centers of each object r+
function [store,cent] = Segment(appim)
global bd BB coor store
binim = imbinarize(appim);
box = regionprops(binim,'BoundingBox');
bd = [box];
coor = [];
store = [];
for k = 1 : length(box)
BB = box(k).BoundingBox;
coor{k} = BB;
rectangle('Position', [BB(1),BB(2),BB(3),BB(4)],'EdgeColor','r','LineWidth',1);
st = imcrop(appim,[BB(1),BB(2),BB(3),BB(4)]);
sz = size(st);
if (sz(1) < 3)%Disregard small unnecessary artifacts
elseif (sz(2) < 3)
store{k} = st;
cent{k}(1) = (coor{k}(1)+(coor{k}(3)/2));%X Coordinates
cent{k}(2) = (coor{k}(2)+(coor{k}(4)/2)); %Y Coordinates
cent = {cent{2:length(cent)}}; %Object center coordinates
2 Commenti
Matt J
il 4 Apr 2022
But for some reason region props detects a segment of the border(Left side of image) as an object.
What do you mean, "for some reason"? Your image shows that there is a thick white line on the left side of your image.
Risposta accettata
il 4 Apr 2022
Modificato: Tala
il 4 Apr 2022
To Matt's point, you do have an object and you should expect to see it's centroid. to avoid this, you can use imcrop to crop out your region of interest, or clean the borders, or pad zeros. If all of your objects at the border are "long", you can filter them out with 'MajorAxisLength'property with regionprops.
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