How do we fill this kind of gap with Matlab (without changing the size of the object)?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
I need your help!
I have an image A (see below - left). Can you help me with a matlab function that can produce the image B (see below - right)
(A) (B)
Note that the below Matlab code does not work (since it works on holes inside a closed boundary of an object - which is not the case with image A where the boundary is open):
I = imread('');
B = imbinarize(I);
F = imfill(B,'holes');
figure, imshow(I), title('input')
figure, imshow(F), title('output')

Risposta accettata

Matt J
Matt J il 25 Apr 2022
Modificato: Matt J il 25 Apr 2022
We don't know thickness of the Image A veins in pixels (it's always good to attach your example images as .mat files), but whatever it is it would go in the appropriate place below.
  1 Commento
Gobert il 25 Apr 2022
Modificato: Gobert il 25 Apr 2022
I have attached the images A and B. Thank you! It worked (when I used the thickness equals to 10 approx.)

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