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Condition in conditional breakpoint ignored: debugger stops there anyway

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
It sometimes happens that conditions I set for a given breakpoint are ignored: the debugger will stop there even if the condition isn't yet met, as shown in the situation below, where no other breakpoints existed in the script:
Sometimes restarting Matlab seems to help, but not always. What is the reason for this?
Thanks for any help.
  3 Commenti
z8080 il 20 Mag 2022
Thanks Matt - indeed, I know the Workspace sometimes doesn't properly update the variable contents, but in this case the value of the variable has indeed been verified at the command prompt
z8080 il 20 Mag 2022
Just checked the same script (which needs complex debugging, with such conditional breakpoints) in R2022a, and the debugger follows the condition as normal - therefore it appears this is a bug in R2019b?!

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Risposte (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 18 Mag 2022
Conditions are only updated, I believe, then the file is saved. If you change the condition you may have to save the file, which you might not be able to do if there are any changes that you've made while stopped at a break point.
  4 Commenti
Image Analyst
Image Analyst il 20 Mag 2022
Perhaps, but the good news is that they fixed it and you have R2022a so you're all set. 🙂
z8080 il 20 Mag 2022
Still seems worth ascertaining what doesn't work as expected in which version, does it not? Especially when it's about what I regard to be a rather essential feature, such as debugging.
Also, while I do have R2022a, I do go back to R2019b when I get tired of how slow R2022a runs on my system, and of the multiple new "features" such as the removal of overtype, etc

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