Select values in the matrix based on the condition

28 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have two matrix A and B of 94349 x 1.
Here the values in the matrix A are range from 0 to 1. First, I have to identify row numbers in the matrix A that got values only in the range of 0.05 to 0.06. Then I have to read values from matrix B that pertains to only the preselected rows from step 1.

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NIVEDITA MAJEE il 29 Giu 2022
Modificato: NIVEDITA MAJEE il 29 Giu 2022
You could do the following:
filtered_idx = find((A>=0.05 & A<=0.06)) %this will store the indexes from the matrix A which have values between 0.05 and 0.06
filtered_B = B(filtered_idx) %this will store the values corresponding to the indexes stored in filtered_idx
Hope this helps!
  1 Commento
Steven Lord
Steven Lord il 29 Giu 2022
You don't care where the items in the desired range are located, all you care is that you can select them. So you don't need find.
x = 1:10;
logicalMask = (4 <= x) & (x <= 7)
logicalMask = 1×10 logical array
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
linearIndices = find(logicalMask)
linearIndices = 1×4
4 5 6 7
You can use either the logical mask or the linear indices to obtain the values from x. But you can see that calling find is a second step beyond generating the logical mask, so if you don't actually need the linear indices why compute them?
ans = 1×4
4 5 6 7
ans = 1×4
4 5 6 7

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