Azzera filtri
Azzera filtri

Here is a matlab code to track and count the vehicles and I'm getting so many errors. Please any one rectify the errors

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
THE MAIN SCRIPT IS: %% start CarRecogintion.m [FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.avi','Select the Traffic Video file'); trafficObj = VideoReader([PathName '\' FileName]); thresh = 40; % thershold for the difference between the frames bg = read(trafficObj, 1); % read the first frame bg_bw = rgb2gray(bg); % convert background to greyscale % ----------------------- set frame size variables ----------------------- fr_size = size(bg); % get the size of the first frame that has size 1x2 width = fr_size(2); % x height = fr_size(1); % y fg = zeros(height, width); % the image with the vehicles only
%% Create video streams frameRate = get(trafficObj,'FrameRate'); nframes = get(trafficObj, 'NumberOfFrames');
taggedCars = zeros([size(bg,1) size(bg,2) 3 71], class(bg)); % the output video with the tagged cars
taggedCars(:,:,:,1) = bg; %% Define Line for Counting Cars xy = defineLine(rgb2gray(bg)); CRegionXSt = min(xy(:, 2)); CRegionXEn = max(xy(:, 2)); CRegionYSt = min(xy(:, 1)); cRegionSize = max(xy(:, 1)) - min(xy(:,1)); countCars = 0; plotThres = 40;%the differrence of current and previous frame sumCr1 = 0;% the sum of pixels of region that user defines RC_Val = true; close all; figure(2) %% --------------------- process frames ----------------------------------- fprintf(1,'Parsing Frames... '); for i = 2:nframes fr = read(trafficObj, i); % read i frame taggedCars(:,:,:,i) = fr;
fr_bw = rgb2gray(fr); % convert frame to grayscale
fr_diff = abs(double(fr_bw) - double(bg_bw));
prev = [-12 -12]; % Keep the position of last detected counted car
for j=1:width
for k=1:height
if ((fr_diff(k,j) > thresh))
fg(k,j) = fr_bw(k,j);
if or(abs(prev(1) - j) > plotThres, abs(prev(2) -k) > plotThres)
% Plot the red rectungle around the car
if(and(k-2 > 0, k+2 0, j+2 100))
RC_Val = false;
if(RC_Val == false)
if(abs(sumCr1 - sumCr2) == 0)
RC_Val = true;
bg_bw = fr_bw;
title(['frame #' num2str(i)])
fprintf(2,'\b\b\b\b%3.0f%c',(double(i)/double(nframes))*100, '%');
%%Plot the Line where counting cars
fprintf(2,'\nPlotting... ');
aviobj = VideoWriter('C:\Users\chris\Dropbox\Lessons\csd\cs474\project\Submit\out4.avi');
aviobj.FrameRate = frameRate;
for f = 1:nframes
for i = CRegionXSt:CRegionXEn
for j = CRegionYSt:CRegionYSt+cRegionSize
taggedCars(:,:,:,f) = plotColor( taggedCars(:,:,:,f), j, i, 200, 150, 125 );
writeVideo(aviobj, taggedCars(:,:,:,f));
fprintf(2,'\b\b\b\b%3.0f%c',(double(f)/double(nframes))*100, '%');
implay(taggedCars, frameRate)
fprintf(2,'\nCars passed: %s\n',num2str(countCars));
Here is our function. (it have to be in the same folder where the main script is stored or to put the path of script to the matlab path).
(Remember that the file name must be the same as the function name)
function [ out ] = plotColor( ArrayFrame, row, col, v1, v2, v3 ) %plotColor Plots the colors RGB in a RGB frame ArrayFrame(row,col,1) = v1; ArrayFrame(row,col,2) = v2; ArrayFrame(row,col,3) = v3; out = ArrayFrame; end ERRORS ARE::::
Undefined function 'defineLine' for input arguments of type 'uint8'.
Error in CarRecogintion (line 21) xy = defineLine(rgb2gray(bg));
Error: File: CarRecogintion.m Line: 48 Column: 42 Unexpected MATLAB expression.
>> CarRecogintion Undefined function 'defineLine' for input arguments of type 'uint8'.
Error in CarRecogintion (line 21) xy = defineLine(rgb2gray(bg));

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