How plot data as histograms?

1 visualizzazione (ultimi 30 giorni)
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed il 9 Ott 2022
Commentato: the cyclist il 9 Ott 2022
I have following data as:
[numb] = xlsread('NorskPetroleum.xlsx');
Years = numb(:,1);
Oil = numb(:,2);
condensate= numb(:,3);
NGL = numb(:,4);
Gass = numb(:,5);
Sum = numb(:,6);
Each of size is 52 1,
I want to plot my data in the form of histogram as plot(years, other quantiaties) as

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the cyclist
the cyclist il 9 Ott 2022
This is not a histogram. It is a stacked bar chart. Take a look at this documentation to see how to construct this type of chart.
  2 Commenti
Nisar Ahmed
Nisar Ahmed il 9 Ott 2022
Modificato: Nisar Ahmed il 9 Ott 2022
@the cyclist Thanks, I plotted like this. How can I add legends
y = [Oljo Kondensat NGL Gass];
x = Years;
figure, bar(x,y,'stacked'); xlabel('Years');
the cyclist
the cyclist il 9 Ott 2022
If you google the words matlab and legend, the top hit would also certainly be the documentation for the legend function.

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