viewing spectrum of an audio signal in matlab

79 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Hello all,
I have an audio signal (.wav) and would like to view its spectrum in matlab. Can anybody help me in this manner?
Thanks in advance.

Risposta accettata

Wayne King
Wayne King il 15 Ott 2011
Read it in with wavread()
[signal,fs] = wavread('file.wav');
If signal is Nx2 (two columns), extract one of them
signal = signal(:,1);
If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox, enter
  4 Commenti
Regin Rex Pacaldo
Regin Rex Pacaldo il 30 Ott 2017
How can i import my mp3 sound in matlab and analyze it?.
Priyanka Phadte
Priyanka Phadte il 22 Dic 2017
use audioread('filename.mp3') in matlab version 2017

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Più risposte (1)

Ali Isik
Ali Isik il 15 Ott 2011
you should first read the audio signal using wavread() function. as a result of reading, the signal will be vectorized. after that, you should use fft() function to get the fourier transform of vectorized signal. at the end plot() the fourier transform of signal. sample code
[xn fs]=wavread('signal_name.wav');
nf=1024; %number of point in DTFT
Y = fft(xn,nf);
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,nf/2+1);


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