angle between three points please help

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Eliska Paulikova
Eliska Paulikova il 22 Nov 2022
Commentato: Torsten il 23 Nov 2022
for f=1:h
P0=[171.5 239.5]; %střed [x,y]
P1=[htabulka(1,1),htabulka(1,2)]; %XY1 [x,y]
P2=[htabulka(f,1),htabulka(f,2)]; %XY2 [x,y]
ang = atan2(norm(det([P2-P0;P1-P0])),dot(P2-P0,P1-P0));
I have this part of code
I have a object rotating --> but this angle only gives me max 30 degrees but that is not posible becaouse the object is making circle
one point the center is always the same, than the beginning point is also the same, and one point is moving due to video --> so the degrees suposed to get from 0 to 360 but it gives me this
  3 Commenti
Torsten il 23 Nov 2022
The OP posted three different questions on the same subject.
This one was no longer used.

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