How do i save a file into a folder in a different path?

8 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I am coding a project that uses neural networks. my neural networks are saved into the same path as this piece of code. i want to save each segmented image in another file location, each with a different name.
%Open files
testfiledir = 'X:\eee_biophotonics1\Shared\SPOT dataset (Training data)\Testing Images\123 images on 123 network\OCT';
matfiles = dir(fullfile(testfiledir, '*.tif'));
nfiles = length(matfiles); %finds length of file
data = cell(nfiles);
for i = 1 : nfiles
fid = fopen( fullfile(testfiledir, matfiles(i).name) ); %retrieves specific file
load('net_123.mat'); % This loads the network back into MATLAB
result = semanticseg(fid,net_123); % This segments an image "I" using the network
filename='X:\eee_biophotonics1\Shared\SPOT dataset (Training data)\Testing Images\123 images on 123 network\nn segmented';

Risposta accettata

Rachel Ball
Rachel Ball il 16 Dic 2022
%Open files for running through NN
fileNames_retrieve = dir(['dir_1\*.tif']);
foldername = ['dir_1'];
%retrieve directory for segmented images to be placed into
fileNames_save = ['dir_2'];
matfiles = length(fileNames_retrieve); %finds number of files in directory
for M = 1 : matfiles
file = fileNames_retrieve(M).name; %finds name of the pre-segmented image
im = fullfile(foldername,file);
image = imread(im); %selects specific image
result %add some process here
fullFileName = fullfile(fileNames_save, file); %creates full
%directory to save file
save(fullFileName, "result") %saves specific file

Più risposte (1)

Dimitri MANKOV
Dimitri MANKOV il 1 Dic 2022
Modificato: Dimitri MANKOV il 1 Dic 2022
Hi Rachel,
That should be fairly straightforward. You can create:
  • a new directory each iteration of the 'for' loop, and save your file there, and/or
  • a new file each iteration of the 'for' loop, and save it in a pre-defined directory.
Here is an example in which I generate a new variable 'a' every iteration, and save it in a new folder that I create in the current directory each time (using a different file name every time as well):
for idx = 1:10
a = rand(5);
mydirname = [cd,'\TMP',num2str(idx)];
myfilename = [mydirname,'\file',num2str(idx),'.mat'];
I hope this is helpful!

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