'integral' with piecewise expressions
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I have the following expression for the angle Beta:
L = 1;
syms y
Beta = piecewise(0<=y<L/2, pi/2, ...
L/2 <=y <L*(3/4),pi/2+0.3491, ...
(3/4)*L <=y <=L,pi/2-0.3491);
i want to compute this integral:
a = pi/4;
fun_f=@(y) (1./(50*(1+y)*(cos(a)*cos(Beta)+sin(a)*sin(Beta))+470));
int= integral(fun_f,0,L)
Does anybody know how to calculate the integral with using integral, but with Beta defined as a piecewise function?
I looked for documentation for piecewise but I don't really know if it's needed to use it. I'd prefer not to.
If you need further information i'll be happy to provide it in order to solve my problem
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Risposta accettata
il 13 Gen 2023
Modificato: Torsten
il 13 Gen 2023
L = 1;
Beta = @(y,L) pi/2.*((0<=y) & (y<L/2)) + (pi/2+0.3491).*((L/2<=y) & (y<3/4*L)) + (pi/2-0.3491).*((3/4*L<=y) & (y<=L));
a = pi/4;
fun_f=@(y,L) (1./(50*(1+y).*(cos(a)*cos(Beta(y,L))+sin(a)*sin(Beta(y,L)))+470));
format long
int_value= integral(@(y)fun_f(y,L),0,L)
int_value_improved = integral(@(y)fun_f(y,L),0,L/2) + integral(@(y)fun_f(y,L),L/2,3*L/4) + integral(@(y)fun_f(y,L),3/4*L,L)
5 Commenti
il 14 Gen 2023
Modificato: Torsten
il 14 Gen 2023
I doubt that Beta is what you want since the result is of type "logical".
What function do you want to use (in a mathematical notation) ?
But if you think everything is as wanted - here is the result:
LATO = 1;
intersezione_34LATO= (3/4)*LATO;
i = 1;
p = [0.125000000000000 0];
L_AB= 0.625000000000000;
alpha_1 = pi/2;
Beta = @(l,p,alpha_1,LATO) (pi/2+0.3491).*(LATO/2<=(p(i,1)+l.*sin(alpha_1(i)))) & ((p(i,2)+l.*sin(alpha_1(i)) <intersezione_34LATO)) + (pi/2-0.3491).*(intersezione_34LATO<=(p(i,2)+l.*sin(alpha_1(i)))) & ((p(i,2)+l.*sin(alpha_1(i))<= LATO));
fun_f=@(l) (1./(cos(double(Beta(l,p,alpha_1,LATO)))));
tau_f(i) = integral(@(l)fun_f(l),0,L_AB(i))%,'AbsTol',0,'RelTol',1e-20,'ArrayValued',false)
Più risposte (1)
Walter Roberson
il 14 Gen 2023
Use matlabFunction with the piecewise expression, giving the 'file' option and 'optimize' false. And when you integral specify 'arrayvalued' true
matlabFunction can convert piecewise to if/else but only when writing to file, and the result cannot accept vectors
2 Commenti
Walter Roberson
il 14 Gen 2023
format long g
L = 1;
syms y
Pi = sym(pi);
Beta = piecewise(0<=y<L/2, Pi/2, ...
L/2 <= y < L*(3/4), Pi/2 + sym(3491)/10^4, ...
(3/4)*L <= y <=L, Pi/2 - sym(3491)/10^4);
a = Pi/4;
fun_f = (1./(50*(1+y)*(cos(a)*cos(Beta)+sin(a)*sin(Beta))+470))
result_symbolic = int(fun_f, y, 0, L)
result_vpa = vpa(result_symbolic, 16)
fun_f_h = matlabFunction(fun_f, 'vars', y, 'File', 'fun_f.m', 'optimize', false)
result_numeric = integral(fun_f_h, 0, L, 'arrayvalued', true)
dbtype fun_f.m
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