Creation of app components with a loop (AppDesigner)
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Caio Lorenzo Iriarte Salles
il 21 Feb 2023
Commentato: Caio Lorenzo Iriarte Salles
il 22 Feb 2023
Hello!! I am a student and I am trying to find a way to create a good amount of lamps in my app through a 'for' loop when I press a button, where the limiting numbers are known. However, I keep having an error that says "Unrecognized property 'lampx' for class 'app1'". The code I am using is:
% Button pushed function: AplicarButton_2
function AplicarButton_2Pushed(app, event)
val_col = 80;
for i = 1:app.NfilasEditField.Value % Known number of rows
val_fila = 20;
for j = 1:app.NcolumnasEditField.Value % Known number of columns
num = i + j;
str = "lamp" + string(num);
% Creation of lamps (positions)
app.(str) = uilamp(app.UIFigure);
app.(str).Position = [val_col val_fila 18 18];
val_col = val_col + 30;
val_fila = val_fila + 30;
val_col = 80;
That's why I ask for an answer so I can finish my task. Thank you
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Risposta accettata
Simon Chan
il 22 Feb 2023
Try to modify
% Creation of lamps (positions)
app.(str) = uilamp(app.UIFigure);
app.(str).Position = [val_col val_fila 18 18];
to the following:
% Creation of lamps (positions)
app.Nlamp(num) = uilamp(app.UIFigure);
app.Nlamp(num).Position = [val_col val_fila 18 18];
5 Commenti
Simon Chan
il 22 Feb 2023
If you would like to make lamp #4 invisible, try the following.
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