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How to play a map3 file and extract it from an Excel spreadsheet. If not, how can it be done?

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
if strcmpi(UserSelection,'randomly')
Songlength = length(MusicDatabase);
Pickrand = randi([2,Songlength], 1,1);
fprintf("\t \n");
fprintf(' The information on the song selected by the software is the following: \n');
InfoSongName = MusicDatabase{Pickrand, 1};
fprintf( ' The song name is %s. \n', InfoSongName);
InfoSongSinger = MusicDatabase{Pickrand, 2};
fprintf(' The song singer is %s. \n', InfoSongSinger);
InfoSongTime = MusicDatabase{Pickrand, 3};
fprintf(" The song time is %s. \n", InfoSongTime);
InfoSongGenre = MusicDatabase{Pickrand, 4};
fprintf(' The song genre is %s. \n', InfoSongGenre);
InfoSongLanguage = MusicDatabase{Pickrand, 5};
fprintf(" The song langauge is %s. \n",InfoSongLanguage);
fprintf("\t \n");
UserRandSong = input(' Select Yes if desired to play song; if not select No. ','s');
while strcmpi(UserRandSong, 'Yes') ~=1 && strcmpi(UserRandSong, 'No') ~=1
fprintf(' Select Yes or No NERD!!! \n');
UserRandSong = input(' Select Yes if desired to play song; if not select No. ','s');
% My idea is the following since the variable with song equals a row in the Excel
% spreadsheet, column 7 of the same Excel spreadsheet is a link to the mp3 file.
% But I don't know how to implement it or if it works.

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