Plotting a circle using geoplot
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Nur Zawani Rosli
il 16 Apr 2023
Commentato: Nur Zawani Rosli
il 19 Apr 2023
Hello! I am having problem with plotting circle on a geoplot graph. Usually the circle would look nice and complete on the map.
However, I am plotting the circle at the end of the graph (near 180 deg E) which causes it to form this weird semi-circle that extends to the other side of the map to form a complete circle. How do I allow the plot to continue even after the end of the map?
Here's the result I keep getting and the code I'm using.
lat = -42.737;
lon = 173.054;
satlat = eq(:,2);
satlon = eq(:,3);
subplot(1,5,[4 5])
geolimits([-70 -10],[150 190])
hold on;
r = km2deg(db);
[latr,lonr] = scircle1(lat,lon,r);
hold on;
h = geoplot(latr,lonr,"LineWidth",2,...
t = h.Parent;
t.LatitudeLabel.String = "";
legend ('Dobrovolsky radius','SWARM B')
sgtitle('SWARM B - 13 Nov 2016 (05:23:33 - 05:39:40)')
Here's what it usually looks like and what I wanted.
Thank you :)
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Dave B
il 16 Apr 2023
[latr,lonr] = scircle1(lat,lon,r);
title('result of scircle1')
title('result with wrapTo360')
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