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Error Troubleshooting Classification Models

2 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
Alexander il 25 Apr 2023
Commentato: Kevin Holly il 26 Apr 2023
Im getting this error when i run my code
This is the code i am running
data = readmatrix('project.xlsx')
Tbl = array2table(data);
varNames = ["Number","Amplitude","PSD","Recurrence_Rate","Recurrance_Points","Determinism","Ratio_Determinism_Recurrence_Rate","Average_Diagonal_Length","Average_Vertical_Length","Laminarity","Divergence","Entropy","Trapping_Time","OSA_Label"];
mdl = fitcdiscr(Tbl, Number)
Please help troubleshoot this

Risposte (1)

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly il 25 Apr 2023
Modificato: Kevin Holly il 25 Apr 2023
I believe you meant this:
mdl = fitcdiscr(Tbl, "Number")
instead of
mdl = fitcdiscr(Tbl, Number)
Edit: Also what does your table look like? Does it have those variable names?
  6 Commenti
Alexander il 25 Apr 2023
i am now getting an error that says X and Y do not have the same number of observations
Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly il 26 Apr 2023
Is it possible that you can share your Excel sheet or one with similar data?

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