Combining separate sparameters into one touchstone file

20 visualizzazioni (ultimi 30 giorni)
I have seperate arrays array for s11,s12,s21, and s22. How do I combine them into one sparameter file?
here is an example of what I am trying to do, probably a dumb questions but could I get some advice? Thanks!!!
clear all;clc
freq = linspace(1,20,10).*1e9
s11 = 10*log10(rand(1,10))';
s12 = 10*log10(rand(1,10))';
s21 = 10*log10(rand(1,10))';
s22 = 10*log10(rand(1,10))';
data = [s11,s12,s21,s22]
% SP = sparameters(freq,data)

Risposte (1)

Manish il 9 Ott 2024
I understand that you're interested in creating an S-parameter Touchstone file. To accomplish this, you'll need to follow these steps:
  1. Create an S-parameter matrix and populate it with your data.
  2. Generate an S-parameter object using this matrix.
  3. Write the S-parameter object to a file using the rfwrite function.
You can refer to the code below for reference:
% Initialize the S-parameters matrix
S_params = zeros(2, 2, length(freq));
% Fill the S-parameters matrix
S_params(1, 1, :) = s11;
S_params(1, 2, :) = s12;
S_params(2, 1, :) = s21;
S_params(2, 2, :) = s22;
% Create the S-parameter object
s_params_obj = sparameters(S_params, freq);
% Write the S-parameter data to a file
rfwrite(s_params_obj, 'example.s2p');
You can refer to the below link to learn more about the 'rfwrite' function:
Hope this solves!


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